February 2007
December 2006
October 2006
KDDI 会社情報: 投資家情報
July 2006
February 2006
November 2005
graphicPUSH: Free icons and free icon sets for web designers.
by 16 othersThese icons are designed specifically for blogs and content management systems. This set of twenty icons includes standard blog icons like documents, books and speech bubbles, but also includes a set of nine arrows, three envelopes and a few suprises. I set up a sample page that shows some of the icons in action. There is also a tutorial on colorizing the icons. If you enjoy these icons, please digg them
October 2005
Link alert - UserJS.org
This script identifies links to specific file types, and displays an appropriate icon when the link is hovered. It can also display appropriate icons for specific types of links, such as links that open new windows, or run scripts.
June 2005
May 2005
{ Pixilate } Pixel Fonts, Handwriting Fonts, Icons and more
by 10 othersPixilate is my pixel garden, where you can find many (hopefully) fun things: pixel fonts, handwriting fonts, icons and wallpapers.
(11 marks)