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PUBLIC MARKS from ghis with tag gmail




Utilisez Gmail avec votre propre nom de domaine

by 2 others
Comment configurer Google Apps pour avoir gmail sur son nom de domaine.

Xoopit Transforms Your Gmail Inbox into a Multimedia Haven - Digital Videos - Lifehacker

Windows/Mac/Linux: Firefox extension Xoopit turns Gmail into a robust, searchable media management tool for every piece of media that comes through your inbox. By indexing every attachment as well as every link to photos and videos from sites like Flickr, Picasa, and YouTube, Xoopit allows you to easily search for and find any picture or video and view it from directly inside Gmail.

Syphir Adds Awesome Advanced Filters to Gmail - Gmail - Lifehacker

Ever wish you could get even more nit-picky about your Gmail filters? Free Gmail-based webapp Syphir filters messages by arrival time, number of recipients, and whether they "need" replies. It really works, and it might just scratch your last, hard-to-reach inbox itch.

Etacts - Gmail Browser Extensions

Etacts Adds Contact Info, Social Networking, and Handy Statistics to Your Gmail Sidebar

Lessons Learned from a Hacked Google Account - Gmail - Lifehacker

Digital Inspiration is an oft-linked blog here at Lifehacker, and its author is a very savvy digital worker. That said, Amit Agarwal learned a lot about safety precautions when both his Gmail and Google Apps accounts were hacked into.


How to Access Gmail When It’s Down - Gmail - Lifehacker

by 2 others
Plusieurs façons d'accéder à son compte Gmail lorsque Gmail est down. Quelques méthodes pour faire un backup de son compte Gmail.

Home | Email Standards Project

by 22 others
The Email Standards Project works with email client developers and the design community to improve web standards support and accessibility in email.


How to Hack Gmail Notifier to Use SSL - wikiHow

A brief explanation as to how to make the Gmail Notifier open Gmail using SSL instead of normal HTTP. The steps should be pretty self-explanatory from the pictures included. This is useful to keep the notifier working if you chose the new Always HTTPS gmail option.

Official Gmail Blog: Tip: Read your mail without touching your mouse

Comment lire ses mails sur Gmail sans utiliser la souris et gagner du temps.

ghis's TAGS related to tag gmail

alternatives +   backup +   chrome +   de-google-ize +   disfunctionment +   domain name +   email +   filter +   firefox +   geek +   google +   GoogleApps +   lifehack +   mail +   management +   photos +   plugin +   power user +   project +   search +   social networking +   standards +   tips +   tool +   video +   webapp +