Optimiser ses applications Django — bruno.im
(via)Quelques conseils pour optimiser les performances des applis Django : éviter les requêtes multiples, mettre les templates en cache, différer certaines actions (files)...
How to chose the right WiFi channel
(via)Little guide and schema to show how to choose a wifi channel for your router.
Apache et symfony: optimisation
Optimisation d'apache pour l'utilisation de Symfony : réduction de bande passante, suppression de logs, etc.
YouTube - A Tiny Apartment Transforms into 24 Rooms
In Hong Kong, because of the space, apartments are small and expensive. Gary Chang, an architect, decided to design a 344 sq. ft. apartment to be able to change into 24 different designs, all by just sliding panels and walls. He calls this the "Domestic Transformer."
P’unk Avenue Window » Blog Archive » Faster, PHP! Kill! Kill!
(via)How to faster a site written in PHP without changing the code.
Alléger Windows.... - Windows & logiciels
(via)Quelques recommendations, certaines encore valables pour Windows 7 pour optimiser Windows.
(9 marks)