public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ghis with tags web & symfony


Using fabric to deploy symfony application - Thomas Rabaix

by 1 other (via)
Fabric is a python command-line tool to deploy projects over one or several servers. The article details how to simplify and automates the deployment of a symfony project using Fabric.

Deploying a symfony project into production using capistrano | Jamie Hall

Deploy a symfony project simply by using capistrano (ruby tool for deployment).

Apache et symfony: optimisation

Optimisation d'apache pour l'utilisation de Symfony : réduction de bande passante, suppression de logs, etc.

Dailymotion - La dure vie des développeurs web - une vidéo Comédie et Humour

Encore une parodie de la scène de «der unterdang», sur le thème du développement web.

About RESTful features of modern Web frameworks - Akei, the blog

"Frameworks like Symfony or rails (and probably many others) provide a very convenient feature named RESTful routing, aka HTTP-aware urls and controllers, generally associated with an object/url mapping mechanism to expose Model entites and several available actions on them over HTTP."

Writing Efficient Tests - Web Mozarts

by 1 other
Unit testing can be a blessing and curse at the same time. Once you start doing it on a regular basis, it can become an addiction. You test everything, you feel the satisfaction of 110% test coverage giving you confidence in your code. But after a while, testing suddenly seems to slow you down. Everytime you make a change in your code you have to adapt several unrelated tests. How to avoid this happen.

Symfony, les forms et les forms embarqués

Tuto sur les forms en symfony, quelles méthodes surcharger en fonction de ses besoins.


Redo The Web » Browsing your assets with style

Plugin de gestion de fichiers image pour symfony