public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from gregg with tag reportage


I Just Won a World Press Photo Award and a POYi, but I’m Not Celebrating — Vantage — Medium

A documentary project about social issues is worth nothing if it doesn’t improve the lives of its subjects

The Rat Tribe of Beijing | Al Jazeera America

Under the streets, a hidden warren of rooms for the thrifty



Pour reconstruire Haïti, saurez-vous faire les bons choix ? Quatre ans après le séisme, embarquez avec nous dans ce reportage-fiction multimédia.


Journalists warned system owners and Norwegian NSA of 2500 critical data flaws. How two journalists set out on a mission to test the data security in the whole of Norway.

Mon veau s'appelle hashtag

n France, plus de huit agriculteurs sur dix se connectent à Internet tous les jours. La moitié de ces « agrinautes » utilisent en particulier les réseaux sociaux. Via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, sur le tracteur ou dans l’étable, ils racontent le quotidien de leur exploitation, partagent la naissance d’un veau ou le rendement d’une parcelle, histoire de cultiver une autre image du paysan. Partez à la rencontre de quatre d’entre eux, qui traient, labourent ou récoltent, le smartphone à portée de main.


Les personnes que l’on croise font-elles les personnes que l’on devient ? Est-ce la personne que l’on rencontre ou le timing qui compte vraiment ? Je rencontre une première personne, qui me présente à une autre, puis une autre, puis une autre… pour comprendre leurs rencontres. Ces rencontres en chaîne s’arrêteront quand plus personne ne voudra me rencontrer.


Le Quatre Heures

by 1 other
Chaque mercredi, à 16 heures pile, Le Quatre Heures propose un grand reportage multimédia. Une nouvelle expérience narrative qui entremêle texte, photo, vidéo et son dans une lecture fluide, en immersion et sans aucun clic. Un récit au long cours, surprenant, spectaculaire, à déguster confortablement installé.

“Serving The Whole Person” | French | BOMBAY FLYING CLUB

The Ethiopian Mekane Yesus Church owns and runs Aira Hospital - a small but by Ethiopian standards well equipped health facility - situated in the far western part of rural Ethiopia. Despite financial hardship and lack of the most basic resources the dedicated surgeon Dr. Erik Erichsen and his team of local colleagues try as hard as they possibly can to serve some of the poorest people in the world.



le premier magazine de BD reportage sur tablettes

Packard plant | Video Library | Detroit Free Press

by 1 other
Once a symbol of industrial might and now ground zero for rustbelt blight, the Packard plant in Detroit has become an urban explorers' delight, graffiti artists' canvas, scrappers' cash in a city beleaguered by decay. BRIAN KAUFMAN/Detroit Free Press

Artistes Autistes: un webdocumentaire sur le rôle de la musique pour les personnes autistes | YOUPHIL

Un enfant sur 150 naît autiste en France, et 90% des Français ne le savent pas. A travers ce reportage interactif, Louis Villers et Julie Baldi montrent comment l'usage de la musique peut les aider. Et, pourquoi pas, changer notre regard sur l'autisme.

Made by Hand

by 1 other
A project from the Bureau of Common Goods, Made by Hand was created out of the belief that the things we collect, consume, use, and share are part of who we are as individuals. For example, the food that we eat says something about each of us, as do the tools we use and the chairs we rest on. Objects that surround the space we dwell in tell stories, and not just about us. Where did they come from? Who made them? How were they made? Each film aims to promote that which is made locally, sustainably, and with a love for craft. Based in Brooklyn, the project takes its influence from the handmade movement here and elsewhere. We hope you find the spirit of it




While We Sleep — Night Shift Workers

The jobs of some take care of us in ways we don't often stop to think about. Life doesn't pause when we turn out our lights and go to sleep. There are about 3 percent of Americans who work night-shift jobs between 9 p.m. and 8 a.m., according to a 2007 report by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. Graveyard-shift employees drive police cars, stock grocery shelves, care for the sick and injured, repair roads, brew coffee - they labor at night so the rest of us can make it through our days.

Undesired by Walter Astrada on MediaStorm

India is a diverse country, separated by class and ethnicity. But all women confront the cultural pressure to bear a son. This preference cuts through every social divide, from geography to economy. No woman is exempt. This preference originates from the belief that men make money while women, because of their expensive dowry costs, are a financial burden. As a result, there is a near constant disregard for the lives of women and girls. From birth until old age, women face a constant threat of violence and too frequently, death.

Five Years Later: Hurricane Katrina | USA TODAY

In the five years since Hurricane Katrina (quickly followed by Hurricane Rita) ravaged the Gulf Coast, USA TODAY has written extensively about the rebuilding efforts there. In this project, we try to sum up where we stand, half a decade after the storms hit. Has life there changed forever? Are people coming back? Although this is neither the first — nor the last — look at the lasting effects on the Gulf Coast, we hope this multimedia project helps answer those and other questions.

Voices | USA TODAY

Ask a question...share the response. The USA TODAY voices project is simply a modern way to capture and share your thoughts on an important question. USA TODAY video journalists ask a question in cities and at events across America and use the video to get the conversation started. Each video lives on a page that allows you to comment, Tweet or record a response of your own. So, browse through the questions we have asked, or suggest your own. If you find one you're passionate about, share your voice with the rest of the

Tranches de vie

De l’humain, du rêve et de la poésie au cœur de votre site web...

Where They At

New Orleans Hip-Hop and Bounce in Words and Pictures. Aubrey Edwards and Alison Fensterstock. New Orleans 2010.

California is a place.

California is loaded. From Disneyland to farmland, we’ve got Scientology and superstars, Silicon and silicone, crips and bloods. The border. Krumpin’ Clownin’ Jerkin’. The surf and the turf. The boom and the bust. California is humanity run amuck and then packaged, branded and sold. California Cuisine, California Love, California Casual, California Gold, California Girls, and of course, California Dreams. If it exists in the world, it exists here and it does so with pizzaz. Obviously, we love this stuff. That’s why we’re doing this project. Simply put, California is sensational. And the closer we look the better it gets: words and images, stories and songs, opinions and ideas. This project is ongoing. We hope you like what you see and say so. We plan to post often. So until that day, when we finally float off into the Pacific, California is a place. Stay tuned.