public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from greut with tag geo

February 2009

Geolocation API Specification

by 1 other

The Geolocation API defines a high-level interface to location information associated with the hosting device, such as latitude and longitude.

future or web mashups are geo localized

January 2009


by 2 others

A world-class geographic web framework

Django using adapted to a GIS backend (like PostGIS)

December 2008



Fetegeo is, primarily, a simple, fast, free text geocoding framework. Given an address such as "Ilminster UK" it will return various information such as latitude and longitude. Fetegeo aims to return high quality results without imposing undue conditions on format of the users' input.

April 2008

Geographical data resources online

This page collects online resources that provide geographical information, in the widest sense. So information on postal codes or the locations of IP addresses is also included.

geographical sources for many purposes.

March 2008

Fire Eagle and Shapely

Fire Eagle GeoJSON is fixed. Shapely is great for doing things with your data.

October 2007

lejoe’s notes » Barcamp Lausanne | My talk titled “When location meets the web”

A good presentation giving a good overview on what can be done with GPS and web… the future of localization

slides from Lausanne BarCamp (liip rocks)

May 2007

April 2007

thebigpicture - Google Code

The Big Picture is an early attempt for a Python library to read and write Exif and IPTC metadata from and to JPEG and TIFF files. It is in a very early stage.

GeoRSS Home

by 5 others
number of ways to encode location in RSS feeds

greut's TAGS related to tag geo

api +   atom +   barcamp +   browser +   code +   database +   django +   exif +   fireeagle +   framework +   gis +   google +   iptc +   jpeg +   json +   lausanne +   liip +   presentation +   python +   rss +   slides +   switzerland +   tiff +   w3c +   web +   webservice +   yahoo +