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PUBLIC MARKS from greut with tag job


Johnny Holland - It’s all about interaction » Blog Archive » The iPhone is Not Easy to Use: A New Direction for UX Design

For every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun and SNAP! The job’s a game!

My grand-father was saying: life is a game

Cut Up - ARTE 7

"Je fais souvent un travail qui me plaît, parfois mieux payé qu'un travail qui serait dit 'alimentaire'. Quand le travail qui me plaît est mal payé, j'ai tout de même du plaisir à le faire. Il faudrait que les boulots qui ne plaisent à personne soient très bien payés. Ou alors, pour que les choses soient justes, il faudrait que chacun ait une activité qui lui plaise, plus quelques heures de service civil. On me dira, il serait dommage d'obliger des savants comme Einstein à travailler quelques heures dans un champ de betteraves, mais enfin on perdrait quoi ? Je vais peut-être me présenter aux élections pour être ministre du Travail." (Jackie Berroyer)


Non-Hierarchical Management (Aaron Swartz's Raw Thought)

I have a no asshole rule which is really simple: I really don’t want to work with assholes. So if you’re an asshole and you work on my team, I’m going to fire you. Now, if the whole team says gosh, that’s awful. We want to work with as many assholes as we can! then we have a simple solution. I’ll fire me!

from the build a community section.

A List Apart: Articles: Filling Your Dance Card in Hard Economic Times

Step seven: find the love

Ask yourself: do I want to work here? You’d be surprised how clearly job indifference shows. A lack of interest begets a lack of action and initiative. A lack of action and initiative means that your colleagues are less inclined to count on you, and worse, will do your tasks themselves rather than enlisting your help. This puts unnecessary pressure on them and maximizes the chance for error.

it's time to find the love yes or to make it happen

Don't hire a programmer if they don't code for fun

Obviously fun coding projects aren't the only indicator of a rock star, but they're a good way to filter out programmers that just do it for a paycheck.

don't forget that those kind of employee are demanding, they know how to have fun at working (if they do that in their spare time). Give them good food.


Life Is Too Short For Bad Code: Interview<sup>-1</sup>

So remember, the quality of the interview you provide influences how the interviewee views the company.

that *is* true.


Spock: Mini Challenges

by 2 others
A very nice way to recruit people.

Liip Blog // Liip is hiring (yet again)

Cool jobs in Switzerland, apply!

greut's TAGS related to tag job

aaron swartz +   arsehole +   arte +   blog +   code +   consulting +   design +   hiring +   interaction +   interview +   iphone +   life +   love +   programming +   spock +   tv +   video +   work +