Encrypted File Systems - Miguel de Icaza
encfs, a user-space encrypted file system that runs on top of FUSE.
To use it, just type:
$ encfs ~/.encryptedstorage ~/secure
And follow the directions. You then will have a ~/secure directory where you can stash all the material that you would not want to become public if you were to lose your laptop.
A very simple way to have a encrypted place, for your next trip to the US.
Amazon S3 Security « poeticcode
You can’t call a system secure unless it’s really secure.
S3 isn't secure.
google-caja - Google Code
by 5 othersUsing Caja, web apps can safely allow scripts in third party content.
How close is this from Douglas Crockford will of mashup platform?
Coding Horror: Passphrase Evangelism
The greatest long term security threat isn't hackers. It's the perpetuation of the braindead 8-16 character password length limitation, and the idea that passwords are single words.