September 2008
dW - Article Archive - Tweet from Opera’s Address Bar 2
A week ago I wrote about tweeting from Opera’s address bar and presented a method for doing so without aid for external scripts or services such as a method given a couple of months ago. Since then my method has made its way across the interwebs even being posted on My Opera, but there’s a better way to do it.
nice hack.
August 2008
SPARQLScript - Semantic Mashups made easy - benjamin nowack's blog
a script that integrates status notices from my twitter and feeds, and then creates an HTML "lifestream" snippet.
a SPARQL-based scripting language.
June 2008
Journaliste, Blogger, Pétasse et Photographe : MonsieurLâm ne sait plus quoi faire. » Archive du blog » LHOOQ
En attendant, lorsque je lis tous ces blogs et twits en manque de sexe, de câlins, de crapuleux, de pelles, d’aventures, d’excitation et d’affection, je me dis qu’il y a de quoi organiser une orgie douce et mémorable.
et moi et moi et moi...
May 2008
Yariv’s Blog » Blog Archive » Announcing Twoorl: an open source ErlyWeb-based Twitter clone
With the recent brouhaha over Twitter’s scalability problems, I thought, wouldn’t it be fun to write a Twitter clone in Erlang?
Last weekend was cold and rainy here in Palo Alto, so I sat down and hacked one, and thus Twoorl was born. It took me one full day plus a couple of evenings. The codebase is about 1700 lines (including comments).
Twitter is dead, long live to Twoorl. The code is open source.
September 2007
Tom Morris: 24/09/2007
Consider this a kind of Hello World of RDF querying.
Nice intro from big Tom using Twitter data.