July 2006
Less studies -- more choice!
The National Center for Education Statistics, part of the U.S. Department of Education, has just released a study comparing the performance of fourth- and eighth-graders in public and private schools. As important as this research may sound, I think it is more a symptom of our education problems than a useful tool in solving them.
Generally, studies show students in private schools outperforming students in public schools. However, in this research, statistical adjustment was made to account for differences in socioeconomic background.
The result: Whereas the raw data shows superior performance in private schools, much of that differential is eradicated after the statistical massaging. Public-school fourth-graders did better; however, the reading advantage at the eighth-grade level remained with the private-school kids.
()() Just as I suspected. The government education monopoly manipulated the numbers ot make themselves look better.
May 2006
Personal data stolen on 26.5 million vets
Disks with the personal data of 26.5 million U.S. veterans were stolen from the home of a Veterans Affairs employee, the department announced today.
The data included names, dates of birth and social security numbers of all living veterans who have been discharged since 1976.
The employee, a data analyst, did not have authorization to take home the data, which was stolen this month.
()() Just proves once again that our government bureacracy has become so large there is absolutely no accountability anymore.
March 2006
New study links mercury to autism
A new study shows a direct relationship between mercury in children's vaccines and autism, contradicting government claims there is no proven relationship between the two.
Published in the March 10 issue of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, the data show since mercury was removed from childhood vaccines, the increase in reported rates of autism and other neurological disorders in children not only stopped, but actually dropped sharply – by as much as 35 percent.
February 2006
Security Gets the RFID Treatment
(via)Color me conflicted at yesterday's news that Cincinnati security firm CityWatcher.Com had two of its security guards implanted with radio frequency identification devices, otherwise known as RFID. These plastic "tags," as they have become known, broadcast data using radio signals, making it possible to track almost anything wirelessly.
Trend in U.S. jobless claims lowest in nearly 6 years
First-time applications for U.S. unemployment benefits edged higher by 4,000 to 277,000 in the week ending Feb. 4, the Labor Department said Thursday.
"Claims are a good leading indicator of the unemployment rate; these data suggest the rate will be nudging 4% by mid-summer," said Ian Shepherdson, chief U.S. economist for High Frequency Economics.
(5 marks)