June 2006
Evolutionary Timeline
timeline of life on earth. shows the mindboggling timescale. note how early complexity took such different orders of time to arise. the details within protein synthesis and the like is what took the longest to work out, and evolution really sped up once
April 2006
Primordial Life
Primordial Life is an experiment in computer based evolution. Watch biots (artificial life forms) evolve as they struggle against each other in a battle of survival. Biots assume many shapes and sizes and are both predators and prey.
February 2006
December 2005
BBC - Radio 4 - Rules of Life
This eight-part series explores the pressures that bear down on an animal from the moment of conception right through to death, as they strive to pass their genes on to the next generation.
September 2005
August 2005
July 2005
April 2005
(13 marks)