public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jdrsantos with tags php & management

January 2008

Absolut Engine news publishing system in PHP/MySQL - SEO compliant and valid XHTML Strict/CSS

by 1 other
Absolut Egnine v1.73 is fully compatible with PHP v5+. Many webhosting companies now fully support PHP 5, so just ask you webhoster to migrate to PHP 5. You can also choose to stay with PHP 4 and run v1.73 or lesser without a problem. Futuer versions will

November 2007

MyDMS - About

by 1 other
MyDMS is an open-source document-management-system based on PHP and MySQL published under the GPL.

August 2007

July 2007

TaskFreak! web based task manager / todo list written in PHP

by 15 others
TaskFreak! is a simple but efficient web based task manager written in PHP.