28 October 2007
Fall Flowers - 10 Top Fall Bloomers for the Perennial Garden
Fall Flowers - Top Fall Bloomers for the Perennial Garden
Fall Division of Perennial Plants: When to Split or Divide Perennial Flowers in Fall for Propagation, To Renew Plant Vigor Or To Control Spreading
Fall Division of Perennial Plants
When to Split or Divide Perennial Flowers in Fall for Propagation, To Renew Plant Vigor Or To Control Spreading
garden ecology article
Energy flow (food chains and food webs)
Nutrient cycling
Community interrelationships
Ecosystem change
Designing a Garden for Birds - The Helpful Gardener
Gardening tips: The Helpful Gardener brings the pleasure of gardening to your home. You will find our garden design articles collected in one spot.
25 October 2007
Brooklyn Botanic Garden: Wildflower Gardening
Below, in alphabetical order by subject, are links to information that will help you make your yard a more enticing place for local wildflowers and the butterflies, birds, and other creatures they support.
24 October 2007
Journey North Tulip Garden and Climate Change Study
What would happen to my bulbs if…
While waiting for your garden to grow, you can use the time to experiment with bulbs indoors. "Forcing" bulbs can bring your experiments conveniently closer to your classroom.
Biology of Plants: Introduction
good for student research
(11 marks)