public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jlesage with tags presentation & tagging

27 November 2006

Mojiti-video commentary software

by 11 others
useful for teachers making clips to analyze in class; "personalize any video with your story. With visual spotlights, you can narrate your personal videos, add captions or subtitles, or comment on any scene."

20 November 2006

Listology: "1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die"

lists like this give me ideas of what to look for in the library; the whole idea of "listology" is whacky and fun

12 November 2006


by 62 others
Firefox extension offers an addictive way to search via categories or keywords or happenstance; you train it, with thumbs up or down on sites, so it learns your tastes; I prefer searches on keywords so far, and have had little desire to "network"

06 November 2006