public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jlesage with tag roundups

December 2006

BBC - collective - the interactive culture magazine

by 4 others
a social networking site in which BBC offers cultural reviews, with clips, and readers comment or write alternative reviews; readers also submit own reviews, The Story Place of the Web

by 1 other
narrative+history+pictures+encyclopedia; "safe, fast and fun way to learn the real story behind historic events, famous people, heroic exploits, legends, disasters, movies, plus topics of current and general interest"

BUBL LINK: Media studies

a UK portal's link to media links portals; some entries here will be new to US academics

artists and

by 1 other
extended visual, biographical, and textual database of 20th Century and contemporary visual artists

November 2006

Lists of Bests

by 5 others
again, I am fascinated by lists of bests, especially as related to literature; they comprise both an ideology of the canon and a sociology of popular tastes, a la Bourdieu; in an extended form, they comprise much of

SEOmoz's Web 2.0 Awards

March 06; useful discursive comparison by judges of top contenders in each of many categories, which rhetorically can be used to teach students how to write about the Internet; sizeable honorable mention lists

Dion Hinchcliffe's Web 2.0 Blog

by 7 others
rather technical; useful list of many web2.0 bloggers; frequent comparison of sites serving a similar function

Category D: A Film and Media Studies Blog: The Intro Textbook: A Comparison

an entry in a film blog that I like that compares and contrasts the Film 101 textbooks commonly used

Media Art Net | Overview of Media Art | MassMedia

links to many full text essays on television; site is a little difficult to navigate, but links to much good writing

Pandia Powersearch, all-in-one list of search engines and directories

by 1 other
new search engine that also has useful tutorial on how to search and explanations of all the major search engines; good for college students to learn how to use Internet most effectively

Place: Cultural, Disability, Ethnic, Media, Postcolonial, Race Studies

huge multi-page database of links on space and place in cultural geography as applicable to interdisciplinary studies

October 2006

Cinema=Jean-Luc Godard=Cinema

by 1 other
site with many links to online essays about Godard

Main Page - AcademicBlogs

by 1 other
A wiki about academic blogs, with links to blogs in each academic area of study

September 2006

Movie Blogs

I have not looked at all these, but often has some new tips to follow up on.


roundup of author's favorite edublogs, sept 06; many listed

Monkey Bites

readers' votes on best and worst web 2.0 sites, sept 06

Intute - the best Web resources for education and research

by 4 others
UK academics and researchers write entries on many topics of interest, a bit like an encyclopedia that you ask questions of.

BlogDance--The best film / movie blog posts from around the web

uses rss feeds to keep track of movie blog news, useful daily roundup of film gossip and news

August 2006

Film Fest Journal

film blog that indicates many films you might like to put on your netflicks list

July 2006

Bloglines | About Bloglines

I tried a number of ways to do RSS news feeds but could not get the hang of it. This is a site that keeps a free news aggregator for you. It has an intuitive and practical interface. The disadvantage is that once again I contribute to marketing data co