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PUBLIC MARKS from kuroyagi with tags "search ads" & yahoo!


MicrosoftとYahoo!の提携はGoogleとの競争を促進する――司法省の見解 - ITmedia エンタープライズ

"この提携は米Googleとの競争を促進するというのが承認の理由だ。... Googleは米国の検索市場で65%のシェアを確保しており、欧州でのシェアは90%と伝えられている。司法省と欧州委員会が2月18日に提携を承認したのも、このようなGoogleの市場支配が背景にあるからだ"


The State Of Search: Q3 Data From Efficient Fronter And SearchIgnite

"The two data sets are based on client search campaigns managed by both firms." ... Google 75%, Yahoo! 20%, Microsoft 5%

Choice. Value. Innovation. - Home

"Microsoft, Yahoo! Change Search Landscape Global Deal Creates Better Choice for Consumers and Advertisers"

Microsoft-Yahoo!の提携、その課題とメリットは - ITmedia News


日本のヤフーも「Bing」採用へ 米Yahoo!とMSの検索提携で - ITmedia News

"「MSと米Yahoo!の発表内容を見てみると、YSTの開発が終了する可能性が高い。...ほかの選択肢も消えたわけではないが、YSTが使えないなら、Bingに移行すると考えるのが自然だろう」  検索連動広告については「現時点では決まっていない」としているが、現在利用している子会社・オーバーチュアのプラットフォームから、MSの広告入札システム「AdCenter」やBingの広告プラットフォームに切り替えることを検討する。"

Yahoo! Inc. - Press Release

"Yahoo! Inc. today announced the launch of three new targeting products for brand and performance marketers that are designed to help them reach the audiences that matter most when advertising online. The announcement was made during the Company's keynote presentation at the annual conference of the Interactive Advertising Bureau."

Yahoo! Search Marketing Blog » Your Ads, Richer

"A small group of advertisers tested it in the fourth quarter of 2008 and saw click-through rates rise by as much as 25 percent. They’ve also seen improved brand exposure and conversion rates."




"検索広告事業の全体または一部など、事業を部分的に売却する可能性は排除しないものの、確固とした独自路線で今後の進路を定める方針だと明言した。「あらゆる選択肢が検討の対象となる。だが、当社をバラバラに解体して叩き売るつもりはない」。 "


Yahoo Adds ZIP Code Ad Targeting

"Yahoo Sponsored Search advertisers can now target ads down to individual ZIP codes, according to an announcement today on the Yahoo Search Marketing blog. "

Yahoo! Search Marketing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"In February 1998, GoTo offered advertisers the option of bidding on how much they would be willing to pay to appear at the top of results in response to specific searches. The bid amount was paid by the advertiser to Goto every time a searcher clicked on a link to the advertiser's website. "

Where You May Find Google Ads On Yahoo Search Results

"The major question now is where, how and when will Google ads appear on Yahoo? TechCrunch posted slides of the Yahoo's presentation to shareholders about the deal, which may provide some insight into the placement of those Google ads. "

More Than Half Of Yahoo's Paid Search Clicks Come From Partners

"if Yahoo's own clicks make up 45% of total paid clicks, then you should also see 45% of total converting clicks coming from Yahoo itself. Instead, you get 58% of converting clicks from Yahoo. That suggests Yahoo ads convert better than those coming from its partners."

Yahoo! Search Marketing Blog » Throw the Bad Clicks Out

"Our Click Protection System works around the clock to identify clicks we believe you shouldn’t have to pay for—but until now, you had to take our word for it. Now you can use our new Click Filter Report to find out how many clicks we’re throwing out. "

ヤフーのPPC広告に超過請求の可能性——オンライン小売店が提訴 : 訴訟/知財問題 -


"Yahoo! to Conduct Limited U.S. Test of Google's AdSense for Search Service" Yahoo! Inc. - Press Release

"Yahoo! to Conduct Limited U.S. Test of Google's AdSense for Search Service" "The test will apply only to traffic from in the U.S. and will not include Yahoo!'s extended network of affiliate or premium publisher partners. The test is expected to last up to two weeks and will be limited to no more than 3% of Yahoo! search queries."

The Yahoo! Searchlight Award

"The 2008 Yahoo! Searchlight Award Show will be an exclusive event for marketers and advertising agencies, and features a keynote address on industry issues and the challenges facing today's marketers."


ヤフー井上社長に聞く:「『健全な場』が最後に勝つ」「ケータイはPC超える」「Androidはうさん臭い」 (3/4) - ITmedia News


Search Marketing Vital for Brand Building and Driving Offline Sales for Consumer Packaged Goods Companies

“While search marketing has long been recognized as an effective direct response vehicle, it’s been largely overlooked by CPG companies who focus on brand advertising and promotional efforts to drive in-store purchasing,”



Yahoo! Panama First Look

Detailed below are Panama-related data points accumulated across 33 current Avenue A | Razorfish search clients. These data reflect changes in search volume, click rate, cost per click (CPC), and conversion rate for the 10 days prior to, and 10 days post, Panama launch.