24 June 2009
Honey, the New Antibiotic
An old household remedy is finding its way back into modern medicine. Scientists are now discovering that a particular type of honey is more effective in treating wounds than most antibiotics.
21 June 2009
Acne Antibiotic Treatment - Cures Acne With A Difference
Acne antibiotic treatment can successfully restrict bacterial growth mostly around the follicle region and bring about a reduction in the amount of pesky chemicals, which is generally produced by white blood corpuscles.
19 June 2009
Olive Leaf Extract is Nature s Natural Antibiotic
Olive leaf extract is rapidly becoming recognized as nature`s natural antibiotic. Extensive research has determined that a compound within this extract, known as oleuropein contains amazing healing properties that fight bacteria, diseases, viruses, parasites and fungal infections.
17 June 2009
Antibiotics Friend or Foe?
The term antibiotic (from the Ancient Greek: anti, against and Ancient Greek: bios, life ) Originally meant any substance produced by a micro-organism that is antagonistic to the growth of other micro-organisms in high dilution.
(4 marks)