December 2007
Flickr met à jour Uplodr, son client lourd d’upload de photos - Gastero Prod - Nicolas Hoizey
by 1 otherFlickr en profite pour passer le logiciel sous licence libre GNU/GPL 2, ce qui devrait permettre aux développeurs de l’étendre, par exemple à d’autres services comme 23hq, Zooomr ou ipernity, qui ont des API très proches si ce n’est identiques.
October 2007
Ext File Upload Form Widget Example by Saki
by 1 other (via)Purpose of this widget is to provide an user interface for easy uploading of files to a server.
Files are first added to an "upload queue" and then they are uploaded to the server.
Any file can be individually removed from the queue before upload or the whole queue can be cleared.
(2 marks)