Lino Resende Blog
Blog sobre internet, tecnologia, política, educação, cotidiano, viagem, blogosfera e muito mais
Guia de Vila Velha
Portal de Vila Velha com informações, classificados, negócios, cultura, lazer, reclamações, viagens, economia, política, destaques da cidade e muito mais e anúncios grátis
Fábio Resende
Internet, tecnologia, vídeo, publicidade e gadget
Oficina de Estilo
Moda e tudo sobre o mundo fashion
by 4 othersThis site was created with one goal in mind. To give you the opportunity to "try out" some of the best php/mysql based free and open source software systems in the world. You are welcome to be the administrator of any site here, allowing you to decide which system best suits your needs.
The administrator username and password is given for every system and each system is deleted and re-installed every two hours. This allows you to to add and delete content, change the way things look, basically be the admin of any system here without fear of breaking anything.
(5 marks)