April 2010
CSS3 Transforms & @font-face Experiment
by 1 other"If you showed me that 10 years ago, my head would have exploded!"
January 2010
November 2009
Web Font Specimen
by 4 others (via)Because web type renders differently with only subtle CSS adjustments, seeing it exercised in a variety of ways can help web designers typeset—and also help them decide which typefaces to purchase for their projects.
October 2009
@font-face in Depth
Where to get fonts you can legally use in web pages
September 2009
July 2009
April 2009
November 2008
@font-face in IE: Making Web Fonts Work
by 1 otherCreate the .eot file with WEFT, then use conditional comments
August 2008
The return of font embedding to the web?
Mouais. Ou sinon via des commentaires conditionnels ou éventuellement via les vendor-specific properties ?
Font MIME Types
Aside from the format issue it might be worth considering introducing a MIME type for fonts
The Coming Battle Over Web Fonts
The only protection of value is the ability to prevent site A from directly linking to fonts on site B, and that can also be obtained with bare font files, simply by imposing a same-origin restriction on font linking
July 2008
How not to advance the discussion of Web fonts
(via)Joe Clark, hardcore avec le IE Blog au sujet des fonts :)
June 2008
The website dedicated to webfonts & @font-face embedding
(16 marks)