Chromium Blog: Introducing Google Chrome Frame
by 2 othersOne challenge developers face in using these new technologies is that they are not yet supported by Internet Explorer. Developers can't afford to ignore IE—most people use some version of IE—so they end up spending lots of time implementing work-arounds or limiting the functionality of their apps.
jPlayer : the CSS styleable jQuery audio player plugin
by 8 others (via)Check for HTML 5 audio support and if not present fall back on Flash
Flash only when you want it
SafariSource is a SIMBL plugin that adds syntax coloring to Safari's source view
Google joins effort for 3D Web standard with new plugin, API
(via)Specifically, they would like to bring applications like Google Earth and SketchUp into the browser and lay a strong foundation for facilitating future innovation.
ALMcss: The CSS3 Advanced Layout Module browser plugin
An experimental JavaScript browser plugin which implements the CSS3 Advanced Layout Module in current browsers
Arrivée surprise d'un petit nouveau : feedEntries
Bombe de plug-in. Thanx
JavaScript PlugIns for Colloquy
There is a template script available in the JavaScript SDK section containing stubs and commentary for all available functions a JavaScript PlugIn for Colloquy can implement.
Pimp My Safari
by 14 othersMany excellent plugins for Safari have been developed, but because Safari doesn’t have an official ‘extension architecture’, many don’t know of these extensions.
(14 marks)