October 2005
September 2005
One Handed Shuffle, One Handed Cuts - nyquil.org
video of one handed shuffling and cutting
del.icio.us direc.tor: Delivering A High-Performance AJAX Web Service Broker :: Johnvey
by 81 othersalternate delicious ui
ideafutures Project Page
open source ideas futures market software
Find-A-Human -- IVR Phone S... - Approved*
by 2 othershow to get a human operator... for many common large companies
GEOsnapper :: GPS Photography
geo-tag you photos from gps enabled phones... works with geobloggers.com
EXCELLATRONIC COMMUNICATIONS: Geotagging Flickr with Google Maps and Greasemonkey Part 2
by 11 othershow to add geotags to you flicker images to make them show up on geobloggers.com
August 2005
July 2005
Bookpool: Discount Computer Books. Welcome!
dunno if much cheaper than amazon.. sometimes not
Sock Monkey Plans
easy easy
MailChimp - Email Newsletter and Marketing Tool for Small Business
by 9 othersnewsletter sending service with stats and goodness and affordability
June 2005
May 2005
Ergonomic Keyboards By DataHand® To Reduce Keying Stress.
chord keyboards
Braille Keyboard with USB connector: Keyboards By Hooleon
also braille sticker bumps for existing keyboards