FeedBlitz - The Email Marketing Service for Blogs, Social Media and RSS
by 33 othersFeedBlitz automates turning publisher blogs and feeds into customized marketing communications using our integrated RSS feed management, Email marketing and Social Media services.
Easy enough for a blogger to set up in seconds.
Powerful enough for sophisticated corporate campaigns.
Smart enough to deliver via RSS, email and social media.
The secret of our success? FeedBlitz automates the tasks other services force you to do; then we add new media for the widest audience. Reach more people with less time and effort.
RSS Feed Converter, Convert RSS Feeds to Javascript, PHP, HTML, Place on Website
(via)Would you like to easily add RSS Feeds to your website or blog to create sticky content that is always updated? Then you are at the right place. RssFeedConverter.com can easily convert any valid RSS feed into easy to implement Javascript, HTML or PHP code.
Reinvented Software - Feeder - Create, Edit and Publish RSS and Podcast Feeds on Mac OS X
(via)Feeder is an application for creating, editing and publishing RSS feeds on Mac OS X. Whether it's a news feed for your site or a podcast, Feeder makes it simple.
RSStatic Overview - RSS reader aggregates, displays, and archives any RSS news feed and creates static html pages.
RSStatic gives you to ability to continuously expand your site with almost no effort. By using the freely available RSS feeds of your choice, you can add huge amounts of s.e.o. friendly content to your site.
By simply inputing your required information, a small niche oriented website can grow from just a few static pages to a few hundred relevant pages in very little time and will continue to grow.
To accomplish this, RSStatic reads more of the information provided by the feeds than most aggregators. Most RSS readers simply output a headline linked directly to the article, leaving you giving away page rank. What RSStatic does different is that it takes those headlines, creates a page for each article in the feed, actually uses the description/blurb provided in the RSS feed as the content for the page and then creates a "read more" link to the full article. It also uses the title of the new article as part of the filename for each page, providing yet another search engine friendly attribute.
(via)6 free RSS to Javascript tools
There are quite a few tools available now that allow you to convert RSS to Javascript to allow you to display the contents of an RSS feed on your site. This method is by far the easiest way to display updated content on your site. I have put together a list of some free RSS to Javascript tools you can use.
Customizing WordPress feed content at bioneural.net
(via)When I last looked at customizing feeds in WordPress, it was all to do with being able to offer a summary and full text feed simultaneously—making use of WordPress' flexible feed URL syntax and a .htaccess file. In this post I look at modifying the actual contents of the feed using a functions.php file (which may already exist as part of your current theme).
Just as WordPress provides a number of hooks for adding or removing actions in your theme header (see here), so to do the core files that generate your feeds. Editing the core files is however discouraged (it makes upgrading a pain), and although you can build your own replacement feed templates an easy alternative is adding a few lines to your theme's functions.php file.
La syndication de contenu : intérêt pour les webmasters
by 3 others (via)Intégrer un flux RSS externe
Grazr - Reading List Management and Tools
by 20 othersGrazr is a free and easy way to gather and organize information from all over the Web. Use our drag and drop editor to collect feeds and links to Web pages, and then share them with others on this site, or place them on your own pages with our free widget.
aggr : afficher RSS dans wordpress
aggr allows you to place the contents of an RSS feed into your pages or posts. It is a deeply modified version of the Aggregate plugin of Rob Miller (I also used an idea of Michael Jolley).
To install and use it, download the zip file (latest release: 1.0b), extract aggr.php, upload this to your wp-content/plugins/ directory, activate the plugin in WordPress.
Savez vous tout ce que vous pouvez faire avec Twitter? at rMen’s blog, le blog d’un french Cyberworker
Twitter envahi nos vies numériques, sur nos mac, pc, mobiles, chacun semble douter du modèle du service.
peu importe, twitter peut être plus ou moins utile:
Tweetahead - pour plannifier à l’avance vos twits.
Pour savoir ce que l’on dit sur un sujet via Twitter, avec Twitterment
Prendre et envoyer une photo sur twitter avec Phototwitter
Twitteriser un fil RSS avec rss2twitter
qui twitte à travers le monde avec Twitterearth
creer une mosaique d’une de vos photos avec les icones de vos followers avec Twittermosaic
Recevoir les infos de la BBC
Recevoir des offres d’emploi avec Moovement, Carriereonline
Twitter pratique:
un annuaire twitdir
Comment twitter via un mobile?:
twitter via mobile avec Twitter2go
twitter via treo et palm os avec treotwitt
twitter sur blackberry avecTwitterberry
Sur Mac:
envoyer vos twits avec Twitterrific
via un simple raccourci clavier envoyez url, ce que vous écoutez via iTunes, etc avec Twitteromatic
Sur PC:
envoyer vos twits avec Tweet-r (Recommandé par Shamir)
Pour firefox:
Twittytunes twitt ce que vous écoutez, regardez via itunes, youtube (plus de 30 lecteurs multimédia)
et bien sur rMen sur Twitter
Easy feed grazing
and sharing
RSS feeds are great, but the subscription model used by aggregators
is slow and clumsy. After a while, it gets to be too much trouble to
subscribe to more feeds. That's why grazing feeds is becoming so popular.
Grazr lets you view as many feeds as you want without the hassle of subscribing.
Grazr users can freely jump from feed to feed. It's like surfing on a
river of feeds.
It's easy to share the joys of feed grazing with visitors to your site.
You can add embedded copies of Grazr to your pages, as you see here,
or we have a cool badge you
can use that opens Grazr in its own window. You can even start Grazr
as part of a hyperlink attached
to any image or text.
(16 marks)