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PUBLIC MARKS from ms_michel with tag css


CSS Compatibility and Internet Explorer

Tableau récapitulatif des fonctionnalités CSS supportées de IE5 à IE8

The CSS3 :not() selector

Des exemples pour comprendre comment utiliser le sélecteur :not() dans les feuilles de style

Less Framework

by 9 others
An HTML5-powered CSS framework for building smart website layouts for varying screen widths. Intéressant.


Shades of Blue

A free WordPress theme

Don’t use @import

by 1 other
Préférer les balises <link> et surtout ne pas mélanger les deux.

Complex Dynamic Lists: Your Order Please

by 1 other
Une méthode simple pour permettre de faire un choix parmi une liste d'éléments hiérarchiques


On having layout

by 11 others

A lot of Internet Explorer's rendering inconsistencies can be fixed by giving an element “layout.”. John Gallant and Holly Bergevin classified these inconsistencies as “dimensional bugs,” meaning that they can often be solved by applying a width or height.

Conditional stylesheets vs CSS hacks? Answer: Neither!

<body class="body <!--[if IE ]>ie< ![endif]--> <!--[if lte IE 6]>ie6< ![endif]--> <!--[if IE 7]>ie7< ![endif]--> <!--[if IE 8]>ie8< ![endif]--> ">

How to get Cross Browser Compatibility Every Time

by 6 others (via)

I’ve collated all the information I could find to create some coding conventions for ensuring that your site will work first time in every browser. There are some things you should consider for Safari and Firefox also, and IE isn’t always the culprit for your CSS woes.

Google Doctype

by 5 others
Google Doctype is an open encyclopedia and reference library. Written by web developers, for web developers. It includes articles on web security, JavaScript DOM manipulation, CSS tips and tricks, and more

ExpertPDF HtmlToPdf Converter

ExpertPDF offers full support for HTML/CSS conversion. The html2pdf converter is very easy to use. You will be able to integrate it into your application in a few minutes.

CSS Design: Taming Lists

by 6 others (via)
A great reference for list formatting in CSS



by 2 others
A simple, elegant, semantic CSS framework.


by 6 others (via)
Tablecloth is lightweight, easy to use, unobtrusive way to add style and behaviour to your html table elements. By simply adding 2 lines of code to your html page you will have styled and active tables that your visitors will love :)

A CSS standard for HTML rendering

by 6 others
Tripoli is a generic CSS standard for HTML rendering. By resetting and rebuilding browser standards, Tripoli forms a stable, cross-browser rendering foundation for your web projects.

Blueprint : A CSS Framework

by 8 others (via)
Blueprint is a CSS framework, which aims to cut down on your CSS development time. It gives you a solid CSS foundation to build your project on top of, with an easy-to-use grid, sensible typography, and even a stylesheet for printing.

Yahoo! UI Library: Reset CSS

by 4 others (via)
The foundational YUI Reset CSS file creates a level playing field across A-grade browsers and provides a sound foundation upon which you can explicitly declare your intentions. It normalizes the default rendering of all HTML elements, for example it sets margin, padding, and border to 0, font sizes to YUI Font's default, italic and bold styles to normal, and list-style to none.

The CSS Redundancy Checker

A simple script that, given a CSS stylesheet and either a .txt file listing URLs of HTML files, or a directory of HTML files, will iterate over them all and list the CSS statements in the stylesheet which are never called in the HTML.

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