public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tag os



Moblin Netbook Intro |

"Moblin is different. It's a friendly way to get the most out of your netbook. It doesn't work like most other computers because it's optimized for enjoying media, interacting with your social networks and the internet. "

Microsoft continue à se moquer de nous avec Windows Mobile 6.5

Gizmodo a testé Windows Mobile 6.5, ça ne donne vraiment pas envie. "handset manufacturers have done more in the last two years to improve Windows Mobile than Microsoft has, which borders on pathetic"

Google lâche une bombe atomique sur Microsoft: Chrome OS

« Les rumeurs couraient depuis un certain temps…cela vient de se confirmer et ça va faire du bruit: Google lancera à la mi 2010 son propre système d’exploitation Google Chrome OS. »

Designers Toolbox: Web Safe Area

De quoi connaître l'espace disponible pour un design Web en fonction des couples OS navigateur. Mais vous faites des designs fluides, hein...


Haiku Project

Haiku is an open-source operating system currently in development designed from the ground up for desktop computing. Inspired by the BeOS, Haiku aims to provide users of all levels with a personal computing experience that is simple yet powerful, and free

BusySync 2.0 Preview

With BusySync 2.0, you can perform bidirectional synchronization between iCal and Google Calendar, providing web based access to your calendars from anywhere.