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PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tag recherche


Extraits enrichis et balisage structuré

by 1 other
Les bonnes pratiques pour permettre à Google d'améliorer l'affichage des résultats

YaCy Distributed Web Search

YaCy is a scalable web search engine with an integrated web crawler and content analysis and managements functions. One YaCy installation can store more than 20 million documents, but in a community of search peers YaCy can provide a search index of unlimited size.


Nicolas Hoizey, France - Pipl

Encore un moteur de recherche de personnes qui fouille partout sur Internet...

The Xapian Project

by 1 other
Xapian is an Open Source Search Engine Library, released under the GPL. It's written in C , with bindings to allow use from Perl, Python, PHP, Java, Tcl, C# and Ruby (so far!)

Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Flash indexing with external resource loading

by 1 other
We just added external resource loading to our Flash indexing capabilities. This means that when a SWF file loads content from some other file—whether it's text, HTML, XML, another SWF, etc.—we can index this external content too, and associate it with the parent SWF file and any documents that embed it.

EXIF hidden search on Flickr

Il est possible de rechercher les photos Flickr par leurs focale et ouverture trouvées dans les données EXIF, yeah !


Using Photographs to Enhance Videos of a Static Scene

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Des photos pour améliorer des vidéos d'objets statiques, une idée géniale, et une vidéo de démonstration bluffante, je veux le même dans iMovie '09 !


by 6 others
“Seek” adds faceted browsing features to Mozilla Thunderbird and lets you search through your email more effectively.

Long Tail SEO :: SEO & SEM Infographics :: Elliance

by 1 other
The strongest search marketing campaigns pursue rankings for a combination of high-traffic phrases that are likely to bring many visitors to the site as well as highly-specific, 3- or 4-word phrases that are more likely to convert a targeted buyer.

the answer to life, the universe, and everything - Google Search

Une recherche un peu particulière dans Google qui déclenche la calculette...


Microsoft Enterprise Search Blog : Announcing Microsoft Search Server 2008 Express

Our aim for Search Server Express is to give you a free and powerful enterprise search product that’s incredibly easy for you to deploy.

Comment exploiter le Web 2.0 pour la veille et la recherche d'information? » Digimind

by 2 others
Blogs, wikis, RSS, podcast, réseaux sociaux, folksonomies, tags... l’apparition du web 2.0 représente une évolution du web où l'internaute devient actif. Ce document présente ces sources d’informations pour la veille et la recherche d’informati

SPIP - Pour le plaisir de la recherche, par Vincent ROBERT -

by 2 others
Réalisation une boucle SPIP recherchant les articles correspondant à trois mots clés, et généralisation de cette boucle à une recherche sur 10 mots clés.

Hacking for Christ: Fragment Search

Fragment Search is a Greasemonkey script for Firefox which allows people to create URLs which link to content within a page without having control over that page.


Simple Search

Une fabuleuse interface de recherche dans une bibliothèque pour enfants !

Choosing and Researching Keywords

Choosing and researching good keywords is a process that takes several steps. I won't have the room to cover all of the steps completely in this article, so I will cover the rest in a subsequent article. Basically, the process goes through four stages