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PUBLIC MARKS from oseres with tag email




mxHero Toolbox est une extension pour chrome qui permet d'ajouter de nouvelles fonctionnalités à votre Gmail. Tout d'abord il permet de vous alerter lorsque votre destinataire accède à une pièce jointe ou un lien que vous avez inscrit dans l'email.

adam-p/markdown-here · GitHub

Markdown Here is a Google Chrome, Firefox, and Thunderbird extension that lets you write email in Markdown and render them before sending. It also supports syntax highlighting (just specify the language in a fenced code block). Writing email with code in it is pretty tedious. Writing Markdown with code in it is easy. I found myself writing email in Markdown in the Github in-browser editor, then copying the preview into email. This is a pretty absurd workflow, so I decided create a tool to write and render Markdown right in the email. To discover what can be done with Markdown in Markdown Here, check out the Markdown Cheatsheet.


ToutApp - Streamline Your Business Emails with Templates, Analytics, Scheduling and Relationship Tra

Upgrade your Email to Business Class Amenities include Email Tracking, Templates and Scheduling


PostageApp - Benefits & Features

Easily manage and track all the email that your web apps send, using a set of tools built by developers just like you.

PostageApp - How It Works

PostageApp takes the complexity out of sending email from web apps. We provide behind-the-scenes control of emails sent from your app.

Don't Send That Email. Pick up the Phone! - Anthony Tjan - Harvard Business Review

Around this time last year, I wrote about how we need to get back to allowing conversation to occur without texting, emailing, browsing, Tweeting, Facebooking, or doing whatever else zeros and ones can do these days on smart phones, iPads, notebooks, etc. I am as guilty as the next person of falling for the perception that any response latency is unacceptable. - free online email message scheduler / reminder

Are you tired of forgetting important events like birthdays, anniversaries, or maybe taking out the trash on the 27th next month? Try eventize, no registration or subscription is required. Just enter your and recipient emails, pick up a date, and you’re good to go.

Mailjet : Emailing en temps réel -

by 1 other
L’emailing professionnel simplifié Un email non délivré c'est un prospect perdu. 20% des emails n'atteignent jamais leur destinataire. Améliorer la délivrabilité, mesurer vos actions en temps réel avec une solution abordable et flexible pour gérer tous vos emails. nettoyez votres boîtes email gmail quand elle est pleine

Vous pouvez voir en bas de votre compte gmail, combien d’espace il vous reste avant de passer à la version payante, vous devez avoir un message du type: You are currently using 7508  MB (100%) of your 7508 MB.


Eyejot - the easiest way to send video

by 4 others (via)
It couldn't be easier Harness the power of video in conveying emotion, tone, and energy while leveraging the flexibility of an email-like system, where each party can send and view messages at their convenience. Sending video messages with Eyejot is as easy as sending email. There is no software to download or install. Just login to your account, record or upload your video, and send! The recipient gets a friendly email message telling them they have a new video message, and they can watch it with a single click. No registration required.

remail-iphone - Project Hosting on Google Code

reMail downloads all your email to your iPhone and searches it instantly. reMail was recently acquired by Google, and we've decided open source the product



F | Mac 101: Tag almost anything in Leopard

conduct a Spotlight search for " °Tahoe" and find every tagged email message, sticky note, iCal event, etc. Pretty clever! For added usefulness, save that Spotlight search for a self-updating reference. [Via Micropersuasion] Read | Permalink | Email this | Comments


oseres's TAGS related to tag email

apple +   apps +   blog +   design +   gmail +   google +   hosting +   ios +   iphone +   linux +   mac +   mobile +   photo +   reminder +   rss +   search +   sharing +   technology impacts +   tools +   video +   web +