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PUBLIC MARKS from oseres with tag interface


Develop Apps eBooks and enterprise solutions | Feature Rich Software Development Platform | RunRev

LiveCode has revolutionized software development - write code once and deploy to all popular platforms. LiveCode delivers outstanding performance and best value by taking the the complexity out of programming.   LiveCode is an award winning, high performance, programming environment which has been designed with ease of use and productivity in mind. It is a powerful and feature rich, high level development platform with an intuitive graphical user interface and a unique English programming language. It has a fast and easy to use compile free workflow which produces immediate results. Apps developed in LiveCode can be written once and quickly deployed on all popular platforms - mobile, desktop and server.  LiveCode apps include ebooks, games, business automation, entertainment, medical, health, sports, nature etc   If you can imagine it you can build it with LiveCode.



Xcode : des storyboards pour iOS 5

Avec iOS 5, Apple va proposer aux développeurs une toute nouvelle manière de créer les interfaces de leurs applications. Avec Storyboards, Apple remplace Interface Builder et les fichiers .xib qui composaient jusque-là l'interface d'une application au profit d'un nouveau système qui réduit encore le nombre d'éléments qu'un développeur doit coder lui-même.

The Pitfall of Customizability in UI Design | KaishinLab

A customizable interface is an interface that gives the user partial or total control over one or several of its properties. If my sporadic observations are anything to go by, a growing number of people involved in building user interfaces resort to customizability as a sure-fire way to empower users and give them more control over their workflows. After all, the heterogeneity of user expectations renders the challenge of designing universal interfaces unsurmountable, or so they say.

2010 - Info - Le blog télécoms de Xavier Studer: la guerre des réseaux

Apple a surpris tous ses concurrents avec son iPad (test et saga) se distinguant par une autonomie de dix heures et une interface tactile des plus réactives. La concurrence s'organise cependant peu à peu. Voici les Eee Pad (à droite), Eee Tablet, Win Tab et Streak.

SketchyPad for iPad

We are proud to offer you a new app for website sketching and apps interface making, including iPhone and iPad apps. This app will make designers, programmers, interface designers life much easier. Easy-to-use interface and a lot of various stencils will help you to mockup any web sites and soft interfaces.

PixelResort » Home of Designer & Iconist Michael Flarup

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Designing your application icon is a most crucial part of your success on the iPhone platform. The App store with it’s more than 70.000 apps have become quite the crowded bazaar. As an interface designer i cannot but marvel at the emphasis this has put on the delicate art of icon design. Read on as i take you through some do’s and don’ts of App Icon Design.

ExoPC - ExoPC Slate

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La tablette tactile ExoPC Slate est un concentré d'innovation qui se vit au quotidien. La navigation par thèmes donne accès aux ressources les plus précieuses du web en organisant le contenu suivant votre lieu, vos habitudes, vos goûts et préférences. Son interface exclusive exploite la puissance de Windows 7 pour offrir une navigation multi-tâches sans compromis et sans restriction dans un riche contenu francophone.


Creating a Tactile Interface

Qt Labs Blogs » Qt Declarative UI

Declarative UI is a way of making fluid user interfaces by describing them in terms of simple elements (Text, Image, Rect,and other QObjects) that are built up into components. The reason it is “declarative” is that rather than the changes in the UI being expressed as imperative code (”set this, set that, do this, do that, …”), they are instead expressed as sets of QObject property expressions (”this width is always half that width”), grouped into states (”when enabled, the properties are …, when disabled, they are …”).  The language that enables this is named QML.  QML is simple yet powerful. Most of a user interface is described by a simple tree structure of property bindings:



oseres's TAGS related to tag interface

apple +   apps +   blog +   design +   e-commerce +   english +   free +   icons +   ihm +   interaction +   ipad +   iphone +   mobile +   programming +   tablettes +   tactile +   totem +   ui +   UIkits +   web +   web2.0 +