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Double Boot Mac OS X et Ubuntu 10.04 avec rEFit et Bootcamp | GeckoGeek

Nous allons voir par ce tutorial comment permettre à votre Mac d’avoir un “double boot” Mac OS X et Ubuntu. Pour cela nous allons utiliser rEFit pour le menu de boot et Bootcamp pour générer le premier bout de partition. Il serait possible d’effectuer même un triple boot mais il faudrait alors procéder un peu différemment donc peut-être pour un autre tutorial :-] (enfin je donnerai quelques pistes en bas de page). J’entends pas loin des fanatiques qui vont montrer du doigt Ubuntu. Vous pouvez bien évidemment par cette méthode installer un autre OS :-]

Install Linux Mint 12 (Lisa) on 13inch MacBook Air 4.2 (2011 model)

Linux Mint 12 (Lisa) is based on Ubuntu 11.10 so the script created by Joshua Dillon that is referenced on the Ubuntu MacBook Air site would in theory work, however as I found I needed to do a little tweaking to get this to occur. Below are the steps that enabled me to run Mint 12 on my MacBook Air.


10 things to do after installing Ubuntu 11.04

So you’ve downloaded or upgraded to the latest release of Ubuntu – the nominal Natty Narwhal – but what now? As is now tradition around these parts, we present you with a list of 10 post-install tips/ideas to make your time with the Narwhal less of a splash in the deep end and more of a serene swim…


Pinguy OS

Ubuntu is a great OS and undoubtedly the most popular and easiest Linux based Distro to use but even with its default setup and chosen programs it's still lacking functionality and ease of use for most new users. So what I decided to do was build a Distro that looks good, could do everything most user would ever want to do and that was very simple to use. I started out by listening to what my friends and family wanted to use their PC for and found the most user friendly programs for the task they wanted to do. After a while I got a good idea what most people use their PC for and what programs where the easiest to use. Like using Shotwell for easily uploading images to Facebook, gtkpod for putting music, photos and video on a ipod/iphone and mvPod for converting the video to a iPod friendly format. So all the programs in Pinguy OS have been chosen because of there ease of use and functionality, I also changed every file type to open with the right program, like for some reason by default .iso are opened with Archive Manager so I changed that to Brasero Disc Burner.


How to install ANYTHING in Ubuntu!

by 2 others (via)
Having problems installing something on your new Ubuntu operating system? "Where's the EXE?", "Where do I need to extract this to?", "How do I run it?", "Where did it go?" - have you been thinking questions like these? Don't worry, installing software, themes and other things on Ubuntu is actually very easy! This guide will help you understand with screenshots, instructional videos and to-the-point language.


Rubrique à brac - Forums MacBidouille

A pre-release version of another flavour of Ubuntu has been released by the developers, and the first screenshots have begun to appear online. Ubuntu Mobile is more or less what it sounds like - Ubuntu customised for use on so-called "Ultra-mobile PCs", UMPCs for slightly-shorter.

Hildon/Building - GNOME Live!

This page is step-by-step guide to have Hildon Desktop running outside of the Maemo / scratchbox environment. Our major goal here is to make it easy for distributons to package Hildon Desktop so that developers can have a quick-to-setup environment for the development of plugins which doesn't need to be built against ARM such as Python plugins. For now, this guide applies to Ubuntu.

Working Touch Screen On X60 Tablet? - Ubuntu Forums

h I would say is a must read for Linux on the X60. However, I'm using the Hardy (now Beta) release which works great on

Ubuntu mobile

This is the first shot image of the Ubuntu Mobile edition. It is aimed at touchscreen based handheld MID devices with 7-9" screens. With Ubuntu Intrepid (8.10) we try to establish a basic setup based on standard GNOME without many modifications. For later releases the goal is to get fixes upstream into the GNOME apps that dont support the resolution. Any kind of feedback is appreciated.

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