(via)"Un moteur de recherche personnalisé et personnalisable." Possibilité de partager ces résultats aussi.
Google Co-op just got del.icio.us !
by 1 other (via)« ... create a custom search engine from your del.icio.us bookmarks. »
Live Search Macros : Create your own search engine
(via)« ... a search engine that was designed for your specific area of interest... »
Des filtres pour Google Blog Search
Nul besoin de préciser combien ce truc peut être utile.
Google Personalized Search
"The Search History feature of Personalized Search lets you view and manage your history of searches and search results you've clicked on...". Là, c'est sûr que ça se resserre !
Durl : URL search for delicious
by 20 others"Enter a url to retrieve information about people who delicious it"
Speegle : Speak Perfect Web Search
by 9 othersPlus amusant que vraiment efficace : Ecouter le résultat de vos recherches web.
MSN Toolbar Suite : Yes, Trust is an Issue in Desktop Search
"I can't really test this piece of software, as something tells me that the files on my hard drive shouldn't be MS business." Pas plus que celui de Google.
Google Suggest
by 4 othersDes suggestions de recherche au fur et a mesure de la saisie dans Google. Pratique !
(17 marks)