Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds
by 20 others (via)"... a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide."
Flickr : Machine tags
by 6 others (via)« # Wait, aren't machine tags just RDF ? No, machine tags are not RDF; they could play RDF on television, though. »
Five suggested Flickr tags
What are tags ? :)
by 15 others"... an experimental navigation tool built to explore the space of related Flickr tags."
My year in attention (and yours)
"This Excel tool downloads your delicious links and creates an animation that shows the evolution of your attention over the course of the year."
Google Base Live, Accepting Content
"The overall goal seems to be put this tool out there and see what people make of it."
Tips From Top Taggers
by 1 other"After a few months of storing bookmarks online with tools like del.icio.us, many people find the tags they've used to categorize them are a hopeless mess. So what are the best methods for getting your tag taxonomy in order ?"
Revealicious - revealing the way you use del.icio.us
by 13 others"...a set of graphic visualisations for your del.icio.us account that allow you to browse, search and select tags, as well as viewing posts matching them". Des résultats assez intéressants.
Bookmark Tags Firefox Extension
by 5 othersUne énième extension Firefox qui permet de classer ses bookmarks. Un petit plus quand même pour cette solution qui permet d'associer un lien avec plusieurs catégories comme on peut le faire par exemple dans del.icio.us ou blogmarks.net. A tester.
Tags for two
by 5 othersUne nouvelle fonctionnalité de del.icio.us qui permet de signaler un bookmark à un autre utilisateur du service.
Tinky and SKOS
by 3 othersUne utilisation de SKOS pour présenter des tags. A relier avec un blogmark précédent sur Tinky.org.
Cloudalicious - Watching Tag Clouds Over Time
by 9 others"...how the actual tags that people use to describe a given URL change over time".
Social Bookmarking Tools (I) : A General Review
by 46 others"This paper reviews some current initiatives, as of early 2005, in providing public link management applications on the Web - utilities that are often referred to under the general moniker of "social bookmarking tools"".
How to combine both freeform and structured tags
by 2 othersInfoWorld succombe aux tags : "The downside is that we're probably going to phase out or at least simplify the robust taxonomy that we spent so much time and energy building and refining over the years".
Annotate Google
"Working on a Firefox extension for annotating Google search result pages".
(25 marks)