Reuse Excel business logic with PHPExcel
by 2 othersEmbedding business logic in Excel and re-using it in PHP is not that hard. The PHPExcel library helps you simplify development: your application logic and business logic is separated. Business logic can be maintained by a business expert or key user in Excel. As an application developer, you can easily pass data in the sheet and make use of PHPExcel's calculation engine.
xdebug, macosX.4 et MAMP 1.3.1 - pomme, poire & rockn'roll
by 1 otherVous avez monté une application web que vous utilisez régulièrement, et vous souhaitez rechercher un moyen de l'optimiser, ou vous avez besoin d'un outil de profiling dans le cadre de votre développement PHP ? Vous êtes sur mac osX, vous utilisez MAMP (1.3.1). Moi aussi !!
Je me suis donc décidé à voir ce que donne xdebug qui semble être l'outil incontournable pour accomplir cette tâche. J'ai rencontré quelques obstacles pour arriver à mes fins, qui justifient je pense l'écriture de ce billet.
Five common PHP design patterns
by 6 othersDesign patterns are just for Java™ architects -- at least that's what you may have been led to believe. In fact, design patterns are useful for everyone. If these tools aren't exclusive to architecture astronauts, what are they, and why are they useful in PHP applications? This article explains.
Faire du CLI en PHP
by 3 others (via)"Penchons nous un peu sur l'utilisation de PHP en CLI, qui permet d'utiliser PHP comme un langage de script classique. "
SAJAX - Simple Ajax Toolkit by ModernMethod - XMLHTTPRequest Toolkit for PHP
by 49 others (via)Sajax is an open source tool to make programming websites using the Ajax framework — also known as XMLHTTPRequest or remote scripting — as easy as possible. Sajax makes it easy to call PHP, Perl or Python functions from your webpages via JavaScript without performing a browser refresh. The toolkit does 99% of the work for you so you have no excuse to not use it.
Image_Graph - PEAR Open Source PHP OO Graph Rendering Utility
by 2 others (via)It is important that you specify the '-devel' part, otherwise you could end up with the Image_Graph-alpha version, which belongs to 'old' Image_Graph and has a completely different API!
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