Georges Bataille Electronic Library
Georges Bataille (1897-1962) was by profession a librarian at the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris. In his off hours, however, he was also a fringe Surrealist, vanguard intellectual, and writer of a wide-ranging body of work that includes philosophy, economics, poetry, and pornography. In all of these writings, Bataille was concerned to articulate a "science of the heterogeneous," a philosophy of everything repudiated by civil society: shit, blood, sacrifice, deviance, violence. The wellsprings of this philosophy apparently lay in personal experience — in particular his childhood with a suicidal mother and a blind, syphilitic father — and yet his ideas resonated deeply with other mid-century philosophy (for example, shit in Bataille's system was analogous to the "other" in Phenomenology and Existentialism) and helped to pave the way to contemporary "theory."
scripts haussite
texts on arts cyberspace sociology feminism politics etc 1999-2001 (steyerl, plant, zizek...)
in libro veritas
by 12 others- Des oeuvres à lire gratuitement
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Félix Guattari
by 1 otherl'ouvre de felix guattari dans la revue chimeres et dans terminal, textes a lire et telecharger
[Multitudes Web]
by 6 othersphilosphie, politique, art contemporain
a tendence capitalisme cognitif ;8
Erratik Institut Berlin
Das Wissen wird durch die Wissenschaften fragmentiert. Und: es ist falsch davon auszugehen, ein System wissenschaftlicher Gesetze sei endgültig und absolut exakt. Heinrich Dubel: erratische Gedanken und Recherchen.
(8 marks)