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PUBLIC MARKS from rmaltete with tag "gestion de projet"




by 14 others
Trac is an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects. Trac uses a minimalistic approach to web-based software project management. Our mission is to help developers write great software while staying out of the way. Trac should impose as little as possible on a team's established development process and policies. It provides an interface to  Subversion (or other version control systems


by 2 others
Project management software, free timesheet time tracking, bug tracking, collaboration software, gantt chart


by 2 others
Project management, task organizer, team collaboration and time tracking software peut importer les projets basecamp


Open Workbench - Home

by 2 others
Open Workbench is an open source desktop application that provides robust project scheduling and management functionality. Already the scheduling standard for more than 100,000 project managers worldwide, Open Workbench is a free and powerful alternative to Microsoft Project.

iBiz 3

by 1 other
Your premier time-billing and invoicing manager for Mac OS X. Manage your time, manage your business, seamlessly.


FastTrack Schedule 9

FastTrack Schedule 9 makes it easy to organize, manage, and present project plans. Click-and-drag to enter tasks, deadlines, and assignments, or choose from over 30 example schedules and templates to organize your projects quickly. Whether you're new to project management or an experienced project manager, you'll produce impressive schedules in no time.

List of mind mapping software

by 1 other
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


sort de tadalist amélioré



by 1 other (via)
With OmniPlan, you can create logical, manageable project plans with Gantt charts, schedules, summaries, milestones, and critical paths. Break down the tasks needed to make your project a success, optimize resources, and streamline budgets. It's project management made painless. cher (150€)

FastTrack Schedule

FastTrack Schedule 9 makes it easy to organize, track, and manage all your project details. New consolidation and schedule-building tools help you plan more efficiently, keeping your projects on track and within budget. FastTrack Schedule delivers descriptive project snapshots that are sure to make an impact with clients and colleagues.

La gestion de projets professionnelle pour Mac OS X xTime Project is an incredibly useful tool for keeping track of the time you spend, related expenses, to do items for your daily tasks and projects. This software can assist business, teachers or students.

Gestion de projet

La gestion de projet en question Chaque année, les entreprises ont de nombreux challenges à relever : adaptation à des contraintes légales nationales, européennes ou internationales, lancement de nouveaux services ou produits innovants, intégration de nouvelles technologies (ERP, outils décisionnels,...) ou mise à jour de technologies déjà implantées pour rester compétitif.

by 6 others
Le Portail de la Méthode et de la Qualité. Portail des DSI et chefs de projets SI & NTIC. Assurance performance de l'organisation, réussite du projet et qualité de l'application


Support pédagogique de SYLLEPSE CONSEIL, dédié à la gestion de projet Projet online est un support pédagogique personnalisé, dédié à la gestion de projets et au conseil organisationnel. L'objectif de Projet online est de propoper aux participants des différents séminaires relatifs à "La Pratique des Projets" une base de connaissances, tant dans les domaines de l'organisation de projets et de la gestion organisationnelle, que dans la maîtrise des outils et des concepts qui fondent la pratique de gestion de projets.


Assoc. Francophone de Management de Projet management de projet, gestion de projet, direction de projet


by 1 other (via)
Welcome to Merlin 2, the next generation of project management software for Mac OS X. le meilleur selon macgeneration (150€)


by 1 other
Open Source Project and Task Management Software dotProject is built using free open-source applications and is produced and maintained by a small, but dedicated group of volunteers. dotProject is programmed in PHP, and utilises MySQL for a backend database (although other databases such as Postgres could also be used). Our recommended server platform includes Apache 1.3.27, PHP 4.2 , and MySQL. In the spirit of free, peer-reviewed, open source application development, we would also encourage you to use an operating system such as Linux, FreeBSD, or OpenBSD. However, additional operating systems such as Windows, Mac, and other flavours of *nix are also supported.


FastTrack Schedule

La gestion de projet à la portée de tous !

rmaltete's TAGS related to tag "gestion de projet"

développement +   facturation +   mac +   mind map +   online +   open-source +   php +   portail +   python +   soft +   utilitaire +   web2.0 +   webdev +   wiki +   windows +