July 2005
VObject Home
by 2 othersVobject is intended to be a full featured Python package for parsing and generating vCard and vCalendar files.
May 2005
URL Parsing With WSGI And Paste
This document is intended for web framework authors and integrators, and people who want to understand the internal architecture of Paste.
April 2005
[Python-Dev] should sre.Scanner be exposed through re and documented?
(via)You create a Scanner instance with a list of re's and associated functions, then you use it to scan a string, returning a list of parts which match the given re's. (Actually the matches are run through the associated functions, and their output is what forms the returned list.)
September 2004
Google Search: shlex
Parsers everywhere.
June 2004
PLY (Python Lex-Yacc)
The world will end in parsers.
April 2004
A Lexical Analysis Module for Python.
March 2004
January 2004
Toy Parser Generator -- A parser generator in Python
I know more about parsing than an oceanographer should.
Towards a Standard Parser Generator
Parsing should be easier.
(9 marks)