public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sachachua with tag career

November 2005

What Should I Do With My Life?

by 1 other
Most of us don't get epiphanies. We only get a whisper -- a faint urge. That's it. That's the call. It's up to you to do the work of discovery, to connect it to an answer. Of course, there's never a single right answer. At some point, it feels right enoug

September 2005 Job Hunting Online with Richard Bolles and What Color Is Your Parachute

by 1 other
Hi, I'm Dick Bolles. I'm your guide to this Web site. This site is designed as a supplement to my book, The 2005 edition of What Color Is Your Parachute?

Managing Google's Idea Factory

What Mayer does is help figure out how to make sure good ideas bubble to the surface and get the attention they need.

Communication Nation: The craftsman-to-manager paradox

As a manager you need to change your focus, from being productive to making other people productive, which requires a wholly new set of skills.

Duct Tape Marketing Weblog - Voted Best Small Business Marketing Blog

Business ownership is one of the best ways to positively impact a great amount of people.

August 2005

What Is Your Value?

Their value lies in their ability to change the way people think in a very short period of time, sometimes permanently.