Radbox - The best way to watch videos online
A quick way to bookmark embedded-videos to watch them later. Use the Radbox.me bookmarklet to save any video, and watch it later. Free.
iPhone-only Bookmarklet Installation
Post a link to delicious via a bookmarklet with the iPhone
Twitter Grader | Score Your Profile | grader.com
A simple tool for posting small snips to Twitter. It lets you "quote" text on any web page. The nifty thing about TwitSnip is that it tries looking up the @user for the website and linking back to the source.
Edit Any Web Page in your Browser Just Like a Wiki | labnol.org
Bookmarklet pour éditer une page web en wysiwyg
QuickPost Wordpress Plugin | twelvehorses.com
Inspired by the tumblr.com's bookmarklet which allows users to quickly and easily post to their Tumblr blog, This plugin allows you to quickly post text, images, photos, quotes, and videos to your Wordpress implementation. Annotated link http://www.diigo
(6 marks)