Cacoo | cacoo.com
by 11 othersonline drawing tool that allows you to create a variety of diagrams such as site maps, wire frames, UML and network charts.
Draw Anywhere anything - online diagramming made easy | drawanywhere.com
by 2 othersCréer des diagrammes online
The Org Chart Wiki | cogmap.com
by 9 others“Wikipedia of organization charts,” anyone can freely view, edit, and maintain corporate structures online
mxGraph | mxgraph.com
diagram online
SimpleSeating | simpleseating.com
make seating charts online.
Nifty tools for drawing diagrams, charts and flow-charts | alvit.de
by 10 othersliste d'outils pour faire des shémas online
Conzilla - the Concept Browser | conzilla.org
concept map editor
(14 marks)