100 Things to Do During a Money Free Weekend | thesimpledollar.com
Idées pour s'occuper durant un Money Free Week-end
RevolutionMoney | revolutionmoney.com
Concurrent de Western Union Money Transfert mais gratuit et via le web
Cash Flow Management For Small Business | pulseapp.com
cash flow management tool that allows you to easily monitor the heartbeat of your small business. Compatible avec Basecamp
Short Reckonings | shortreckonings.com
tracking and evening out group expenses
Less Accounting | lessaccounting.com
track expenses & sales leads, create / send proposals & invoices
Cashboard : Estimate, Invoice and Time Tracking Software for your business | getcashboard.com
by 7 othersnew application designed to help service-oriented businesses manage estimates, invoices, timesheets and payments.
My Hourly Rate Calculator | freelancetipster.com
tool will help you calculate what you should be charging for your services
click2pay | click2pay.com
the swiss post's IT guys seem to make quite a few things quite right: (those who bought search.ch) leading (ok: nationally) in pki and mobile micropayments - seem to be really serious about taking there offline quality business online.
Ideawins | ideawins.com
by 2 otherscreate quotes and invoices, track expenses, manage payrolls (via ADP's integrated payroll service), produce all kinds of reports, list items on eBay, track auction activity, send PayPal invoices, and much more.
Ripple | ripplepay.com
open-source bank-independent payment system. P2P monetary payment system based on trust that already exists between people in real-world social networks.
(12 marks)