Divine | divine-project.com
by 4 othersSoftware pour transformer des fichiers photoshops en template wordpress
iPhone PSD Vector Kit | smashingmagazine.com
by 1 othera set that comes with several button elements as well as six different iPhone interface options.
Photoshop CS3 Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows | creativetechs.com [pdf]
Liste des raccourcis clavier windows pour Photoshop
Photoshop CS3 Keyboard Shortcuts for Mac | creativetechs.com [pdf]
Liste des raccourcis clavier mac pour Photoshop
Convertir des .PSD en .JPG sans Photoshop (et sans The Gimp) | presse-citron.net
by 1 otherConvertir des .PSD en .JPG sans Photoshop
Top 50 Logo Design Tutorials | elogodesign.com
by 14 othersquelques dizaines de tutoriaux sur la création d'un logo
Free plugins for Photoshop & Illustrator...and other software | telegraphics.com
by 15 othersPlugin photoshop pour faire des favicons
Paint.NET | getpaint.net
A image and photo manipulation software designed to be used on computers that run Windows. It supports layers, unlimited undo, special effects, and a wide variety of useful and powerful tools.
(10 marks)