Dirpy - YouTube to Mp3 Converter and YouTube Video Downloader
by 4 othersDirpy let’s you convert your favorite YouTube Movies into MP3s
Panda, plateforme open source d’encodage et de streaming vidéo | veilleperso.com
by 3 othersPanda est une solution open source pour uploader, encoder et de streamer des vidéos, donc contrairement aux autres services existants, Panda gère le processus de mise à disposition de vidéos de bout en bout.
YouTube Feeds | blogspot.com
Différents flux rss de youtube
Hey!Watch | heywatch.com
by 6 otherslets you upload videos from your hard drive or online video sites like YouTube, then encode said videos to nearly any format on the planet, including pretty much anything you might need for a portable device.
The Amazing YouTube Tools Collection | quickonlinetips.com
by 6 othersA huge list of utilities to handle with youtube
(6 marks)