19 December 2008
Self-Hosting vs. VPS: which is right for me?
by 1 other
a link to the past asked: I have two hosting needs: PHP and Rails. I’ve had (a bad) experience hosting a PHP site on a shared server. I’ve also briefly run a simple PHP server for a hobby site with low-availability standards.
Now that I&...
04 December 2008
Whats the difference between Linux web hosting and Windows web hosting?
by 1 other
Abhi100 asked: Heya Please tell em what the difference is between linux web hosting and windows web hosting. I made my site by dreamweaver does that affect either of the 2 i should choose please tell me thanx!What Is A Reseller Hosting Enterprise?
How to install Mencoder and ffmpeg on windows?
by 1 other
garymcgovern16 asked: Does anyone know how to install these 2 encoders?
i’ve been searching google for ages and their all for linux. And this is wrecking my head.
If anyone knows can you try to keep it as simple as possible as i’m kinda a ...
02 December 2008
how to install ffmpeg in php media file? ?
by 1 other
anirudh_kaki asked: ffmpeg is video mdeia player to run in php script . everything is going fine in process of installation of in linux , but i can getting a log error .file missing , even though file is presnt in the folder .so canu help me over com...
(4 marks)