February 2011
Sproxil Saves Lives With Scratch-Off Tags and Robust Analytics
Interpol has determined that in Nigeria 80% of all drugs are fake, and in Kenya fake drugs are big business with more than 11,000 illegal products sold every day. With millions of dollars worth of counterfeit drugs sold yearly, Sproxil's innovation is a greatly needed tech solution to a big problem that will save countless lives every day.
August 2010
Learn HTML5 with these 4 quick HTML5 coding examples
In Tip-1, learn about the File API and how to drag & drop hard drive files to a webpage. In Tip-2 you code HTML5 using ContentEditable and LocalStorage to create a web sticky note. In Tip3 you will learn how to code HTML5 geolocation for the iPhone. In Tip-4 learn how easy it is to code drag and drop.
July 2010
Build an Android Twitter app using XML and JavaScript Object Notation
This article, explores techniques for handling two of the most common data formats used on the Internet — XML and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)— on the Android platform. Learn the basics of XML and JSON and how to build an Android application that parses and displays a Twitter status-update in both formats.
Gourmet Java technology for Android applications
Java language is the tool of choice for Android developers. The Android runtime uses its own virtual machine, Dalvik, which is not the usual Java virtual machine that most Java developers are used to. In this article you will learn advanced Java features and how they are implemented on Android. This includes features such as concurrency, networking, and database access.
Using Internet data in Android applications
Many of your Android apps will need to interact with Internet data, which comes in a variety of formats. In this article, build an Android app that works with popular data formats — XML and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON, as well as the more exotic protocol buffers format from Google. You'll learn about the performance and coding trade-offs associated with each format.
Creating mobile Web applications with HTML5
HTML 5 is a very hyped technology, but with good reason. It promises to be a technological tipping point for bringing desktop application capabilities to the browser. In this five-part series, you will take a closer look at several new technologies that are part of HTML5, that can have a huge impact on mobile Web application development.
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