public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sorin_postelnicu

21 November 2006

Rollable Display Technology

For the time being, it's just the vision...

17 November 2006

Stealth train uncloaks on Google Earth

Seen in Google Earth photos section in The Register

China develops flying aircraft carrier

Seen in Google Earth photos section in The Register

16 November 2006

Is the Swede a Human Being?

Ever since the idea of nations and nationality gained serious popularity in the 18th and 19th centuries, peoples across the world have asked themselves that most basic of questions: Who are we? For Swedes, the answer has, for the last 50 years, included some kind of notion of collectivist semi-socialism, with their country the epitome of a high- tax, strong-state, cradle-to-grave welfare society.

15 November 2006

Invasion of the giant Russian crabs

Monster crabs are invading Europe. Armed with a jar of mayonnaise, Stephen Bleach steps into battle

14 November 2006

Bush: 'Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over' | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

"My fellow Americans," Bush said, "at long last, we have reached the end of the dark period in American history that will come to be known as the Clinton Era, eight long years characterized by unprecedented economic expansion, a sharp decrease in crime, and sustained peace overseas. The time has come to put all of that behind us."

10 November 2006

31 October 2006 :: ADMirror :: originality discovered

by 1 other
Reveals the ads whose ideas have been copied from other ads

SQuirreL SQL Client Home Page

SQuirreL SQL Client is a graphical Java program that will allow you to view the structure of a JDBC compliant database, browse the data in tables, issue SQL commands etc. It is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. Features: -Code Completion - Offers code completion the same way as modern IDEs do. -Syntax - Syntax highlightning. -Edit Extras - Auxiliary functions to work with SQL code for example formatting -Graph - create a chart of the tables and foreign-key relationships between them -SQL Script - Generation of SQL and DDL scripts -SQL Bookmarks - Managing SQL code templates -Look and Feel - Switching the look and feel

30 October 2006

Mancarea ucigasa - ZIUA

Un studiu despre securitatea alimentara, dat publicitatii in Franta, spune ca jumatate din produsele alimentare din Romania sunt infectate cu substante cancerigene de tip "aflatoxina" * Aceasta nu poate fi distrusa prin fierbere sau prin metabolism * Fenomenul infectarii alimentelor cu aflatoxine in tarile din sud-estul Europei este cunoscut de specialistii occidentali de peste 15 ani si este denumit "sindromul balcanic" * Aportul de E-uri poate face ca un salam sa contina doar 5% carne * A aparut si siropul mutant

How MythTV detects commercials - PVR Wire

One of the best features of MythTV, the open source DIY Linux PVR software, is its ability to completely skip commercials without any human input.

The real face of Boratstan

Oh, Borat has got it all wrong. Everyone I meet is in agreement on this. Kazakhstan's president, Nursultan Nazarbayev, is not a totalitarian dictator; he is only moderately repressive: banning and intimidating opposition parties, jailing the odd journalist, etc. The country's national drink is not horse piss; it is fermented horse milk that merely tastes of piss. And Jew-baiting is not, actually, a national sport. It's more of a hobby, as in the phrase 'You're as tight as a Jew' or the practice of making 'a Jewish phone call' (when you get the other party to call you back on your landline).

19 October 2006

The Tao Of Programming

by 4 others
Thus spake the master programmer: "When you have learned to snatch the error code from the trap frame, it will be time for you to leave."

Creative Advertisements Around The World

creative advertisements, clever advertisements, commercials, creative ads, clever ads

18 October 2006

Patt Morrison: The Funniest Movie You Can't See - Los Angeles Times

"Idiocracy" begins as your standard suspended-animation plot, with its stars thawing out in 2505. The smart people have dithered themselves out of the gene pool. America 2505 is populated not by the fittest but by the fattest and the dumbest - the overbreeding, oversexed spawn of the cast of "Jackass."

eBay: Stephen Colbert: Exclusive Portrait

In celebration of his show's first anniversary, Stephen Colbert is auctioning off his highly valuable, extremely realistic portrait that currently hangs above the fireplace on the set of Comedy Central's "The Colbert Report." 100% of the winning bid will be donated to Save the Children.

Virtual economies attract real-world tax attention - Yahoo! News

Users of online worlds such as Second Life and World of Warcraft transact millions of dollars worth of virtual goods and services every day, and these virtual economies are beginning to draw the attention of real-world authorities.

28 September 2006


by 1 other
Clever Shopping Bags

27 September 2006

Inchisoarea Pavon din Guatemala, evacuata dupa 10 ani de autoguvernare

Fortele de securitate din Guatemala s-au decis sa puna lucrurile la punct in inchisoarea Pavon, controlata de mai bine de 10 ani de detinuti care isi construisera case luxoase si baruri in incinta complexului, sub privirile indulgente ale gardienilor corupti.

26 September 2006

Ghid de utilizare a functionarului AVAS - Academia Catavencu

Baietii de la Academia Catavencu, in loc sa dea o bila, sa joace o carte, au preferat sa dea o spaga la AVAS si ne impartasesc experienta lor.

Self-reference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Self-reference is a phenomenon in natural or formal languages consisting in a sentence or formula referring to itself directly, through some intermediate sentence or formula, or by means of some encoding.

25 September 2006 Video - Truth in Advertising

Exceptionally funny video: what would it be like if the people working in advertising would speak the truth