Cashew, by Kawet | Créez votre propre application iPhone
by 2 othersCashew est un site web dédié à la création d'applications iPhone.
C'est la plateforme la plus modulaire du marché.
Feedity - RSS Web Feed Generator for Web Pages without Syndication
by 9 othersFeedity (formerly FeedTier) is a web feeds generator for web pages without an existing syndication format like RSS or Atom. Feedity performs content analysis, picks-up the most prominent cluster of hyperlinks and automatically generates RSS web feeds from web pages without existing syndication. Feedity (beta) is an experimental service and free for personal use.
ASCII Generator
by 34 others (via)Converts text into a preset variety of ASCII art style graphics. you can copy & paste this graphic and use it e.g. as mail signature
Google Sitemap Generator and Editor. Sitemaps online
by 4 othersGénrateur avancé de sitemaps en vue d'une indexation par google
(9 marks)