public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from srcmax with tags plugin & firefox


Classic Retweet - Old school retweets for #NewTwitter

Classic Retweet old school retweets for #newtwitter


Awesome Screenshot - Capture, Annotate and Share

by 3 others
Capture the whole page or any portion, annotate it with rectangles, circles, arrows, lines and text, one-click upload to share.



Extension Blogmarks pour Firefox 3.5

by 5 others, 1 comment
La nouvelle extension Blogmarks pour Firefox, qui splitte les paragraphes et qui ajoute un joli blockquote !


Twitter directly from Firefox

Then I found TwitterBar which allows me to post directly from your browsers addressbar.


PasswordMaker Previews & Screenshots :: Mozilla Add-ons :: Add Features to Mozilla Software

by 2 others
PasswordMaker manages all your online accounts using either new, uncrackable passwords it creates, or your existing passwords. It even automatically populates webforms for one-click login.

FEBE Firefox Extension

by 12 others (via)
FEBE allows you to quickly and easily backup your Firefox extensions. In fact, it goes beyond just backing up -- It will actually rebuild your extensions individually into installable .xpi files. Now you can easily synchronize your office and home browsers.

PwdHash :: Mozilla Add-ons :: Add Features to Mozilla Software

by 2 others (via)
Automatically generates per-site passwords if you prefix your password with @@ or press F2 beforehand. Prevents JavaScript from reading your password as it is typed. The same password will be generated at each subdomain: matches, matches, but and are different.

Techcrunch » Blog Archive » Finally (Almost): AllPeers

The company won’t say when they are launching, but they’ve been bleeding in beta users for a few weeks and the date is clearly not that far away.

Peer Pressure

by 3 others
AllPeers is a free extension which combines the strength of Firefox and the efficiency of BitTorrent to transform your favorite browser into a media sharing powerhouse.

plugin de recherche Google Maps France - Carnet Web de Pascal

Si ça intéresse quelqu'un, je viens de me faire un plugin de recherche pour Google Maps France