browserstate/history.js · GitHub
History.js gracefully supports the HTML5 History/State APIs (pushState, replaceState, onPopState) in all browsers.
App Links - Link to what you want, wherever you are.
Right now, linking on mobile is a lot more frustrating and complicated than it is on the web. There isn’t an easy, consistent way to control what happens when someone clicks on your content in mobile, which makes it difficult to provide the best experience for your users.
allmarkedup/purl · GitHub
An AMD compatible utility to parse urls and provide easy access to their attributes (such as the protocol, host, port etc), path segments, querystring parameters, fragment parameters and more.
Internet et les url de dotclear - TitaX[Addictive]
by 1 otherJe trouvais que l'affichage de la date et du numéro de billet dans l'url du billet n'était pas spécialement pertinent, donc j'ai mis en place des règles de réecriture d'url et un plugin pour simplifier ces url !
(9 marks)