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17 June 2007 02:30

PCLinuxOS HardWare DataBase

I am taking down the old database soon and I would like the working or non working hardware to be transferred over, but there's a problem. Support for .93a has been dropped and all that hardware hasn't been tested on PCLinuxOS 2007. If you have tested any hardware that's listed on the old database as only working under .93a then please let me know so I can transfer it to the new database. I'm starting this week by focusing on the motherboards that are on the old database. I have created a PDF of the 48 motherboards that are listed on the old database. If you have one of these boards running on 2007 then please let me know and I will transfer that information over. Make sure you also let me know is there were any special steps to get it to work on PCLinuxOS. Thanks PDF Link Last Updated ( Tuesday, 12 June 2007 )