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May 2010

Ubuntu -- Details of package istanbul in lucid

Desktop session recorder producing Ogg Theora video Istanbul is a desktop session recorder for the Free Desktop. It records your session into an Ogg Theora video file. To start the recording, you click on its icon in the notification area. To stop you click its icon again. It can make a screencast of the full screen or just of an area of the screen. It is even capable of recording audio from the default input channel. It works on GNOME, KDE, Xfce and others. Other Packages Related to istanbul

Istanbul - GNOME Live!

FAQ 'Why is it so sluggish when recording?' The problem is that the theora encoder takes up a lot of CPU power. Things you can do to reduce that effect: i) use libtheora 1.0alpha6 or greater. This will speed up on x86 and amd64 architectures. ii) record at a lower width and height iii) select a smaller part of the screen. Development Development is done in GNOME git. Clone the repository using: git clone git:// Contact Contact me at zaheerabbas at merali dot org Feel free to submit patches, especially UI patches to the Istanbul product in GNOME Bugzilla! CategoryProject Istanbul (last edited 2010-03-25 21:40:12 by ZeeshanAli)

November 2009

ScreenToaster - Online screen recorder. Capture screencasts instantly.

by 12 others (via)
Free Online Screen Recorder * Register & use it anywhere, anytime No download. Compatible with Windows, Mac OS X, Linux. * Capture videos of onscreen action in one click Record screencasts, tutorials, demos, training, lectures and more. * Share and stream videos online in Flash Embed them on blogs and webpages or send them by email.

Five Best Screencasting Tools - Screencast - Lifehacker

Los Angeles, 7:52 PM Mon Nov 23 23 posts in the last 24 hours AU | JP Suggest a post: [email protected] Team Editor: Adam Pash Email | AIM | Twitter Senior Editor: Kevin Purdy Email | AIM | Twitter Weekend Editor: Jason Fitzpatrick Email | Twitter Contributing Editor: The How-To Geek Email | Twitter Founding Editor: Gina Trapani | Twitter Interns: Dustin Luck Email Whitson Gordon Email | Twitter Lifehacker Shop Upgrade Your Life Buy our new book! Upgrade Your Life SUBSCRIBE TO Lifehacker RSS New: Breaking news and daily top stories via email 15512 Subscribers Lifehacker * By Jason Fitzpatrick Send a link to this post 'Five Best Screencasting Tools' via email: Your Name: Please enter your name. Your Email Address: Please enter your email address. Please enter a valid email address. Recipient's Email Address: Please enter your recipient's email address. Please enter a valid email address. Your Message: Please enter your message. sending request Nov 22, 2009 9:00 AM [Views] 34,881 [Comments] [Comments] 82 Edit » Set to Draft » Invite » Slurp » Copy this whole post to another site Slurp cancel sending request more about #screencast Best Screencasting Tool? Customize MediaWiki into Your Ultimate Collaborative Web Site read more: #hivefive, #screencast, #screencasting, #screencasts, #screen, #feature, #top, #videodemonstration Five Best Screencasting Tools Faq - xvidcap

1 Xvidcap FAQ * 1.1 General Questions o 1.1.1 What is xvidcap? o 1.1.2 Can I capture the mouse pointer? o 1.1.3 Can I record audio along with the video? o 1.1.4 You're saying FFMPEG needs OSS for audio capture. Will ALSA work, too? o 1.1.5 Recording sound does not work (or it only works for the microphone, not application output) o 1.1.6 Are there plans to port xvidcap to Windows? o 1.1.7 Will xvidcap work on a Mac, or are there plans to port it? o 1.1.8 Why does Windows Media Player play my captured videos upside down? o 1.1.9 Can xvidcap capture OpenGL accelerated graphics? o 1.1.10 Does xvidcap work with fullscreen applications, such as games like Cube? o 1.1.11 Is xvidcap able of capturing a running video? o 1.1.12 Does xvidcap get the array of pixels from the xserver or off the video card's buffer? * 1.2 Building o 1.2.1 After building xvidcap says "FFMPEG encoding not supported" o 1.2.2 The build complains about being unable to findcommon.h o 1.2.3 Why am I getting error about an "undefined reference to `pow'"? * 1.3 Installation o 1.3.1 Why do you not provide packages for distribution XYZ? o 1.3.2 On Solaris pkgadd complains about "no packages found" o 1.3.3 How do I install the Fedora RPMS and how do they differ? * 1.4 Usage o 1.4.1 Why does the button to capture a single image not work for me? o 1.4.2 Capture fails with "Could not find audio grab device ..." o 1.4.3 Why are the videos or single frames I capture always white or black? o 1.4.4 Running xvidcap I get an error message saying "xvidcap: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" o 1.4.5 xvidcap hangs on starting a capture session. What can I do about it? * 1.5 Encoding o 1.5.1 Why do my videos recorded with xvidcap play back too fast? o 1.5.2 How can I record videos for Windows Media Player compatibility? o 1.5.3 How do I improve recorded audio quality?

xvidcap | Get xvidcap at

by 1 other (via)
xvidcap is a screen capture enabling you to capture videos off yourX-Window desktop for illustration or documentation purposes.It is intended to be a standards-based alternative to tools like Lotus ScreenCam.

September 2009

Tours/Fedora9 - FedoraProject

Tours/Fedora9 From FedoraProject Tours Jump to: navigation, search Contents [hide] * 1 Fedora 9 Tour o 1.1 Welcome to Fedora 9 o 1.2 Fedora 9 Release Summary o 1.3 Screenshots o 1.4 Videos Fedora 9 Tour Welcome to Fedora 9 Fedora is a general purpose free operating environment based on Linux that offers the best combination of robust and latest software that exists in the free software world. Fedora 9 Release Summary * Screenshots A gallery of screenshots from Fedora 9 Final Release. * Tours/Fedora9/Screenshots Videos These videos are from Fedora 9 Final Release. Following Ogg Theora Videos were created using Istanbul (a desktop session recorder) from Fedora System. * Fedora 9 Installation Video (work-in-progress) * Fedora 9 Setup Video (work-in-progress)

July 2009

My Screen Recorder download

My Screen Recorder 2.65 * Principal * Comentários * Imagens * Guias e Dicas baixar My Screen Recorder 2/1/2008 Gratuito para testar Tamanho: 4,29 MB 12.937 downloads Sistema: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP Empresa: DeskShare

Plato Screen Video Recorder - Free software downloads and reviews - CNET

Publisher's description of Plato Screen Video Recorder Plato Screen Video Recorder screenshot From Plato Global Creativity: Plato Screen Video Recorder is an advanced screen capturing tool to develop videos by capturing anything you see on the computer screen to demonstrate features of a Website, software product. It is used in user training, creating video tutorial programs,or any task that requires capturing desktop activity. Key Features includes: Capture screen activities to a compressed AVI / self-contained and self-playable EXE files. Any portion of the screen / Any specified window / Entire desktop can be selected for recording. Can create presentations, tutorials, and software demos, produce videos for video sharing Web sites. Version 10.06.01 may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.

June 2009

recordMyDesktop's User Guide: Index

Previous TOC Next This guide is meant to explain the basic usage of recordMyDesktop, a Free Software screen recorder for GNU/linux. This guide, just like the software itself, is always a work in progress, so feel free to come up with suggestions, corrections and improvements. You can contact me here. Copyright (c) 2007 John Varouhakis Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this work, to deal in the work without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, distribute, merge, make derivative works, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and/or sell this work.

recordMyDesktop Documentation

This section includes various sources of information, intended to provide a better understanding of recordMyDesktop so users can put it to the best possible use for their purposes. For further information you can use the Help, Feedback and Open Discussion forums on (anonymous posting allowed).

About recordMyDesktop

by 1 other (via)
About recordMyDesktop award recordMyDesktop is a softpedia award desktop session recorder for GNU / linux that attemps to be easy to use, yet also effective at it's primary task. As such, the program is separated in two parts; a simple command line tool that performs the basic tasks of capturing and encoding and an interface that exposes the program functionality in a usable way. The commandline tool (which essentially is recordMyDesktop), is written in C, while there are two frontends, written in python with pyGtk (gtk-recordMyDesktop) and pyQt4 (qt-recordMyDesktop).


/blog Baita site pra download de legendas 19-05-2009 00:08 Pra quem ainda não conhece esse site, apresento-lhes,, tem tudo que é legenda de filme em várias línguas, e o melhor, não tem aquela burocracia de fazer cadastro, é só procurar e baixar, maravilha

iMartins Linux pt: Converter OGV para AVI - em linux

Converter OGV para AVI - em linux PESQUISA GOOGLE..".como mudar ogv para avi" SERÁ QUE DEVERIA SER ogg E avi USEI O gtk-recordMyDesktop AQUI NO ubuntu jaunty LiveCD

September 2008

/blog |

Programas para gravar a tela do computador Terça-feira, 23. Setembro 2008 por franklin O que eu utilizo pra windows é o Instant Demo, ele é legal porque tu pode tirar vídeo screen do pc e na hora que for fazer algum tutorial, pode escrever no vídeo, ficam como balõezinhos dentro do vídeo, então pra quem for ver, fica barbada de aprender, o programa ainda tem a opção de salvar o vídeo em swf e já gera um html para o swf. Abaixo o site do fabricante para fazer download Para windows ainda tem o CamStudio, usei ele uma vez, ele é mais prático, tu seleciona a janela que quer gravar e sai gravando, nesse ele salva por padrão em .avi, mas tu também tem a opção de salvar em .swf. O site para download é No linux descobri um que é tri bom ontem, o nome é gtk-recordmydesktop, em algumas distribuições, como o ubuntu, para instalar é só dar o seguinte comando no terminal como root: apt-get install gtk-recordmydeskto Por padrão ele grava os vídeos no formato .ogg, se tu quiser salvar em .avi, faz o seguinte, no terminal vai até onde ficou o vídeo no formato.ogg, normalmente com o nome out.ogg, aí no terminal, já no diretório onde está o vídeo gravado tu digita: mencoder -idx out.ogg -ovc lavc -oac mp3lame -o output.avi Onde out.ogg é o nome do vídeo que já foi gravado e já está salvo na tua máquina e output.avi é o nome do vídeo já no formato .avi que tu coloco pra converter.

/blog » Programas para gravar a tela do computador |

O que eu utilizo pra windows é o Instant Demo, ele é legal porque tu pode tirar vídeo screen do pc e na hora que for fazer algum tutorial, pode escrever no vídeo, ficam como balõezinhos dentro do vídeo, então pra quem for ver, fica barbada de aprender, o programa ainda tem a opção de salvar o vídeo em swf e já gera um html para o swf. Abaixo o site do fabricante para fazer download Para windows ainda tem o CamStudio, usei ele uma vez, ele é mais prático, tu seleciona a janela que quer gravar e sai gravando, nesse ele salva por padrão em .avi, mas tu também tem a opção de salvar em .swf. O site para download é No linux descobri um que é tri bom ontem, o nome é gtk-recordmydesktop, em algumas distribuições, como o ubuntu, para instalar é só dar o seguinte comando no terminal como root: apt-get install gtk-recordmydeskto Por padrão ele grava os vídeos no formato .ogg, se tu quiser salvar em .avi, faz o seguinte, no terminal vai até onde ficou o vídeo no formato.ogg, normalmente com o nome out.ogg, aí no terminal, já no diretório onde está o vídeo gravado tu digita: mencoder -idx out.ogg -ovc lavc -oac mp3lame -o output.avi Onde out.ogg é o nome do vídeo que já foi gravado e já está salvo na tua máquina e output.avi é o nome do vídeo já no formato .avi que tu coloco pra converter.