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Demagogy definição e significado | Dicionário Inglês Collins

demagogy (deməgɒdʒi ) or demagoguery substantivo incontável You can refer to a method of political rule as demagogy if you disapprove of it because you think it involves appealing to people's emotions rather than using reasonable arguments. [disapproval] COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


Dylan Thomas HarperAudio

We present the poetry of Dylan Thomas, read by the author. Thomas often wrote for the sound of words as much as for their meaning, and hearing his rich voice and dramatic style lends a new sense to his verse. The New York Times called Thomas "both a maker and speaker of poetry," and this reading demonstrates the poet's unique manipulation of language and metaphor. Thomas was known for his stormy private life and alcoholism, and died in 1953 at the age of 39. Dylan Thomas, Part 1 .au format (4.8 Mb), .gsm format (1 Mb), .ra format (0.6 Mb). This selection includes "No Sun Shines," "The Hand that Signed the Paper," "Should Lanterns Shine," the song-like "And Death Shall Have No Dominion," and the first verse of "Altarwise by Owl Light." [audio]Dylan Thomas, Part 2 .au format (5 Mb), .gsm format (1 Mb), .ra format (0.6 Mb). Selections include the meditative "Poem in October," "This Side of the Truth," "Love in the Asylum," and "The Hunchback in the Park." [audio]Dylan Thomas, Part 3 .au format (4.7 Mb), .gsm format (1 Mb), .ra format (0.6 Mb). This selection includes some of his best-known works, including "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night," which meditates on the need to maintain activity into old age, "On the Marriage of a Virgin," "In My Craft or Sullen Art," which discusses his own creativity, and "Ceremony After a Fire Raid."